*Week 6

Small Group

Monday: We spoke about what the children did over the weekend. After talking about what they did they drew a picture, then wrote about what they did. When the children were finished a teacher wrote down what they said they did.

Tuesday: The children got to work with K’Nex. We spoke about what they might build before getting started, then they got to create what they wanted.

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Wednesday: We worked on measuring and comparing different materials. The children had inch worms that they could use to measure how long a book, block or other toy was. They all did a great job.

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Thursday: The children got to create Circle Collages since we have been talking about circles lately. They got a tray full of different sizes of circles and then were able to glue them down however they wanted to.

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Friday: We got to do Apple Tasting. We had granny smith apples, red delicious apples, and golden delicious apples. The children got to try a slice of each of them. Once they were done and decided which apple was their favorite they colored an apple the appropriate color.


Large Group

Monday: We started reading the book “The 3 Little Pigs”. For the next week we will be working on retelling the story of “The 3 Little Pigs”.

Tuesday: We sang the song Slippery Fish. The children make small fish with their hands, then turn into an octopus, and a tuna fish, a shark, and finally a whale.

Wednesday: We learned a new song called ABC Rock. ABC rock goes through the alphabet twice for the children to repeat.

Thursday: We have been reading the story of “The 3 Little Pigs” all week. Today the children got to help retell the story with me by using flannel pieces to help tell the story. They did a really good job!

Friday: After we got done tasting our apples and deciding which one was our favorite, we made an Apple Tasting Graph. The children got to put their apples under the correct apple of their choice and we graphed it to see which apple was everyone’s favorite.
