*Week 4

Small Groups

Monday: No School; Labor Day

Tuesday: The children got to work on and explore iPads. They got to find educational games to play and learn about how the iPad works.

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Wednesday: We created a book called “My Favorite Color Book”. All of the children got to pick their favorite color then decorate a paper using the color they chose. After all of the children finished their papers we made it into a book that will soon be put in the book area.


Thursday: The children were given an assortment of different containers that had matching lids. They then had to work together to match the correct lid to the container. They all did a wonderful job.


Friday: The children and teachers spoke about what their favorite thing to do at school is. We spoke about one thing they each of them like to do. Then the children drew a picture of their favorite thing. Once they were done coloring, a teacher wrote down what the child said they drew.

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Large Group

Monday: No School; Labor Day

Tuesday: We danced to a song called “Stir the Soup”. The song talks about a bunch of different fruits and vegetables. The children are to pretend to pick the foods, chop them up, throw them in a pot, and stir the soup. The song gets the children to get up and moving and also gets them to learn more about healthy foods.

Wednesday: We sang the song “5 Little Ducks”. The children really enjoyed singing this song.

Thursday: We danced to the song Animal Action II. This song has different animals than the first animal action we did. We hopped like a frog, moved like an elephant, and so much more!

Friday: Miss Jordan read a book called The Very Brave Bear written by Nick Bland. This book is about a Bear and a Buffalo. They each talk about how brave they are and go on some wild adventures. In the end they find out that they are both equally as brave.