*Week 8

Small Group

Monday – We created a book called Shape Monster. The book goes over different shapes such as square, rectangle, circle, triangle, and oval. The children had to color the shapes all different colors. At the end of the story there is a character made up of all the different shapes.


Tuesday – We worked on Sink or Float. There was a large container of water in the middle of the table. We then talked about whether an item will sink to the bottom or float on top of the water. The children then got to discuss if they thought an item would sink or float. When we made our decision we would drop the item in the water and see what happened.


Wednesday – We worked on lacing cards. There were different animals and the children used a shoe lace to lace through the holes of the card.


Thursday – We colored Pumpkins for the classroom door. The children were able to color it however they wanted to.

Friday – No School; Teacher Work Day


Large Group

Monday – We danced to the song Tooty Ta. The children did a great job and had a blast dancing it.

Tuesday – We have been practicing singing the ABC’s by singing the song ABC Rock. There are 2 parts to the song. One part sings the song and the second part the children have to echo the words.

Wednesday – We danced to the song Button Factory. Button Factory is kind of like the Tooty Ta song but with Button Factory they start with their right arm, then move to their left arm, then right leg, left leg, head, and tongue.

Thursday – Since it was so nice outside we got to spend some extra time outside. The children all got on the bus and pretended to drive around.

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Friday – No School; Teacher Work Day