*Week 9

Small Groups

Monday: We created tree’s! The children colored the trunk of the tree brown with a crayon. When they were finished the teacher painted their hand green and on one side of the tree they made green leaves with there hands.


Tuesday: On Tuesday we finished our tree’s. The teacher painted the children’s hands red, yellow, orange, and brown. The children then created leaves on the other side of their tree to make it look like fall. After they were all done drying we hung them up in the windows.

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Wednesday: The children made Leaf Catcher’s. They had an outline of a leaf and then had sticky, contact paper underneath. The children used tissue paper to fill in the center of their leaves. Once they were finished a teacher put a second piece of contact paper over the top to hold everything in place. When they were all done a teacher also hung them up on the windows.


Thursday: No School

Friday: No School

Large Group

Monday: We read the story Pete the Cat: 5 Little Pumpkins. It counts pumpkins going up from one to five and has a little song that goes with it.

Tuesday: We took a Nature Walk around the building and the children were able to pick up grass, flowers and leaves. Next week, we will be creating a collage using the materials we found on our walk.

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Wednesday: We went on a Bear Hunt! We packed crackers, milk, and a flashlight. Then we went through a Candy Factory, a Peanut Butter River, and a Jello Swamp. At the end of our hunt we found a bear!

Thursday: No School

Friday: No School