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Framers of the Constitution


Understanding the types of men who were at the Constitutional Convention is important when examining the new Constitution that was designed.  They came from different areas and represented different ideas but the compromises they established have left an enduring constitutional legacy.



Your task is relatively simple in concept.  You are to create a PowerPoint representing the important information relating to the delegate you selected.  The design of your PowerPoint can take whatever shape you decide as long as you have organized your information in a clear and logical format and have answered the following questions about your delegate:

  • What state was the delegate from?
  • What was their educational background?
  • What kind of job(s) did they have?
  • How would you describe their social standing? (What class do they come from?)
  • How did they contribute to the Constitutional Convention?
  • Did they sign the Constitution?
  • What did they do after the Convention in the new state or national government?


Use the following sites to read up on your delegate.  It is highly suggested that you use both sites.


Submit your final PowerPoint to Docushare using the following directions:

  1. Save it to E-Disk or the desktop with your last name and the last name of your delegate as the title
  2. Click on the link for Student Docushare.
  3. Logon using your Student ID and Password
  4. Select the appropriate class period folder
  5. Upload your document by selecting “Add a Document”
  6. Click “Browse” and find your work on the E-Disk or the desktop
  7. Click the “enter” key or the “Apply” button at the bottom of the Docushare page.