KNOWLEDGE OF PRINT – Students will demonstrate knowledge of the concepts of print.
LA 1.1.1.a Identify variations in print (e.g., font, size, bold, italic, upper/lower case)
LA 1.1.1.b Explain that the purpose of print is to carry information
LA 1.1.1.c Demonstrate voice to print match (e.g., student points to words while reads)
LA 1.1.1.d Demonstrate understanding that words are made up of letters
LA 1.1.1.e Identify parts of a book (e.g., pages, title, title page, author, illustrator, table of contents)
LA 1.1.1.f Demonstrate knowledge that print reads from left to right and top to bottom
LA 1.1.1.g Identify punctuation (e.g., period, quotation marks, exclamation mark, question mark)
PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS – Students will demonstrate phonological awareness through oral activities.
LA 1.1.2.a Segment spoken sentences into words
LA 1.1.2.b Identify and produce oral rhymes
LA 1.1.2.c Blend and segment syllable sounds in spoken words
LA 1.1.2.e Manipulate phonemes orally (e.g., blend, segment)
LA 1.1.2.f Manipulate phonemes to create new words, pseudo or real (e.g., “What is hand without the /h/?” –and; “The word is cat. Change the /t/ to /n/. What’s the new word?” –can)
WORD ANALYSIS/SPELLING – Students will use phonetic analysis to read, write, and spell grade level text.
LA 1.1.3.a Read, write, and spell words by applying common letter-sound correspondences (e.g., single letter consonants, consonant blends[cr, tr, fr, pl, bl, st, sw, thr], long and short vowels [a, e, I, o, u], digraphs [sh, th, ch, wh])
LA 1.1.3.b Use common word patterns to read, write, and spell new words (e.g., r-controlled vowels [er, ir, or, ore, ur, ar] , endings [-s, -ing, -ed, -es, ies, -er, -est], vowel pairs [ew, ue, ou, ow, oo, oy, oi, aw, au], silent consonants [kn-, wr-, gn-], double final consonants [-ck, -nd, -ng, -nk, -ft, -lk, -nt], long vowel patterns [a-e, ay, ai, e, e-e, ee, ea, i-e, ie, igh, o, oa, o-e, -ow, u-e] )
LA 1.1.3.c Read at least 100 high-frequency words from a commonly used list
LA 1.1.3.d Spell single syllable phonetically regular words
LA 1.1.3.e Blend sounds to read words
LA 1.1.3.f Read words in connected text
LA 1.1.3.g Use word structure to read text including onsets and rimes, contractions, and common compound words (e.g., football, popcorn, daydream)
LA 1.1.3.h Blend and read words with prefixes (un-, re-) and suffixes (-ful, -ly, -y)
LA 1.1.3.i Monitor the accuracy of decoding
FLUENCY – Students will develop accuracy, phrasing, and expression while reading grade level text.
LA 1.1.4.a Read in meaningful phrases that sound like natural language to support comprehension
LA 1.1.4.b Use a core of high-frequency words and phrases
LA 1.1.4.c Use repeating language patterns when reading
LA 1.1.4.d Use voice intonation (e.g., volume, tone, emphasis) to influence the meaning of text (e.g., character voices, excitement, sadness)
LA 1.1.4.e Read along with others and independently practice keeping an appropriate pace for a text
LA 1.1.4.f Read grade level text with 94% accuracy or better, and a rate of 60 words per minute
VOCABULARY – Students will build literary, general academic, and content specific grade level vocabulary.
LA 1.1.5.a Use word structure elements, known words, and word patterns to determine meaning (e.g., plural forms, simple compounds, base words)
LA 1.1.5.b Relate new grade level vocabulary to prior knowledge and use in new situations
LA 1.1.5.c Demonstrate understanding that context clues (e.g., word and sentence clues, re-reading) and text features (e.g., photos, illustrations, titles, bold print) exist and may be used to help infer the meaning of unknown words
LA 1.1.5.d Define, sort, and categorize words into conceptual categories (e.g., antonyms, synonyms, homonyms; positions words, exclamatory words, sensory words))
LA 1.1.5.e Determine word meaning using reference materials and classroom resources (e.g., word wall, picture dictionary, peer (s), teacher)
LA 1.1.5.f Locate words in reference materials (e.g., alphabetical order)
COMPREHENSION – Students will extract and construct meaning using prior knowledge, applying text information, and monitoring comprehension while reading grade level text.
LA 1.1.6.a Identify author, illustrator, and author’s purpose (e.g., explain, entertain, inform)
LA 1.1.6.b Identify elements of narrative text (e.g., characters, setting, events)
LA 1.1.6.c Retells information from narrative text including characters, setting, and sequence of events
LA 1.1.6.d Identify the ways authors use words (e.g., rhythm, repeating line, simile, alliteration, onomatopoeia)
LA 1.1.6.e Summarize main ideas and supporting details from informational text
LA 1.1.6.f Identify the characteristics of organizational patterns found in informational text (e.g., sequence, compare/contrast)
LA 1.1.6.g Identify text features in informational text (e.g., titles, bold print, italic, illustrations, captions)
LA 1.1.6.h Identify the basic characteristics of familiar narrative and informational text genres (e.g., fairy tales, nursery rhymes, picture books, how-to-books)
LA 1.1.6.i Make connections between characters or events in narrative and informational text, to own life or other cultures
LA 1.1.6.j Generate and/or answer clarifying questions (who, what, when, where, why, how), supporting answers using prior knowledge and information from the text
LA 1.1.6.k Identify and explain purpose for reading (e.g., information, pleasure)
LA 1.1.6.l Build and activate prior knowledge in order to identify text to self, text to text, and text to world connections before, during, and after reading
LA 1.1.6.m Self-monitor comprehension by applying appropriate strategies to self-correct when errors detract from meaning
LA 1.1.6.n Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by using meaning clues (e.g., pictures, titles, cover, story sequence, key words)
LA 1.1.6.o Respond to text verbally, in writing, or artistically
WRITING PROCESS – Students will apply the writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit and publish writing using correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other standard conventions appropriate for grade level.
LA 1.2.1.a Demonstrate that writing communicates thoughts and ideas
LA 1.2.1.b Apply prewriting activities and inquiry tools to generate ideas (e.g., draw, brainstorm, graphic organizer, writing tools)
LA 1.2.1.c Generate a draft by:
- -Selecting and organizing ideas relevant to topic, purpose, and genre
- -Composing complete sentences of varying length and complexity (e.g., dictation, labeling, simple sentences)
LA 1.2.1.d Revise writing by adding details (e.g., quality of ideas, organization, sentence fluency, word choice, voice)
LA 1.2.1.e Provide feedback to other writers
LA 1.2.1.f Edit writing for format and conventions (e.g., correct spelling of frequently used words, capitalization, grammar, basic punctuation such as exclamation mark)
LA 1.2.1.g Publish a legible document (e.g., handwritten)
LA 1.2.1.h Write with appropriate spaces between letters, words, and sentences.
WRITING GENRES – Student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences in multiple genres.
LA 1.2.2.a Write for a specific purpose (e.g., stories with pictures, non-fiction, poem)
LA 1.2.2.b Write to known audience or specific reader (e.g., book buddies celebration guests)
LA 1.2.2.c Write books and short pieces of writing that tell a story and/or provide information to readers about a topic
LA 1.2.2.d Write stories with a beginning, middle, and end
LA 1.2.2.e Compare models and examples (own and others) of various genres, create similar pieces
SPEAKING SKILLS – Students will develop and demonstrate speaking skills to communicate key ideas in a variety of situations.
LA 1.3.1.a Communicate ideas orally in a manner appropriate for the purpose and setting (e.g., language, word choice, sequence, relevance)
LA 1.3.1.b Communicate orally in daily classroom activities and routines
LISTENING SKILLS – Students will develop and demonstrate active listening skills across a variety of situations.
LA 1.3.2.a Demonstrate listening skills needed for multiple situations and modalities (e.g., stories, songs, conversations, student sharing, teacher presentation)
LA 1.3.2.b Use information in order to complete a task (e.g., following one/two step directions, responding to questions)
LA 1.3.2.c Listen and retell specific details of information
LA 1.3.2.d Listen to and ask questions about thoughts, ideas, and information being communicated
RECIPROCAL COMMUNICATION – Students will demonstrate reciprocal communication skills.
LA 1.3.3.a Demonstrate awareness of and sensitivity to the use of words (e.g., helpful and hurtful words)
LA 1.3.3.b Apply conversation strategies (e.g., face the speaker, listen while others are talking, take turns talking, eye contact)
LA 1.3.3.c Participate in learning situations (e.g., small groups, show and share, cooperative problem solving, play)
MULTIPLE LITERACIES – Students will gain knowledge, identify main idea, and communicate information in a variety of media and formats (textual, visual, and digital).
LA 1.4.1.a Identify resources to find information (e.g., print, electronic)
LA 1.4.1.b Demonstrate understanding of authorship of print and online resources
LA 1.4.1.c Demonstrate awareness of safe behaviors when communicating and interacting with others (e.g., safe information to share online)
LA 1.4.1.d Engage in activities with learners from a variety of cultures through electronic means (e.g., podcasts, video chats, distance learning, e-pals) LA 1.4.1.e Gather and share information and opinions as a result of communication with others (e.g., video/audio chat, interview, podcast, multi-media presentations)
LA 1.4.1.f Evaluates personal feelings and reactions to the text as a tool in making inferences and deepening comprehension