Monthly Archives: November 2022


This week we started our buildings study. We talked about what we already know about buildings and what we want to learn. We spent some time learning about the 3 little pigs and the different materials that they used to build their houses.

During small groups this week, students made their own 3 little pigs book, practiced writing their letters, and practiced identifying their letters with a fishing game.

Our second step lessons this week taught about safe and unsafe touches. We also talked about how we can calm our bodies like Tucker Turtle. We practiced how to tuck into our shell, take three deep breaths, and then think of a solution when our bodies are calm.


November 23-29 — No Preschool

Weekly Update 10/31-11/11

Last week we talked about how signs help us and who uses signs. We got to talk about our bus drivers and how they use signs to keep us safe. This week we learned some words in sign language. Ask your child if they can show you any words or letters in sign language.

During small groups last week we made pumpkin books, practiced rhyming, and learned how to make and read a graph. This week, students followed a recipe to make a snack mix, made letters in shaving cream, and practiced taking turns playing UNO.

Our second step lessons  last week and this week we continued talking about emotions and how to tell how someone might be feeling. We also talked about appropriate ways to calm our bodies if we are having a big feeling.




November 23-29 — No Preschool