Monthly Archives: February 2023

Weekly Update 2/22-2/24

This week we talked about how tubes make noise. There was a 5th grade student who came down and played her clarinet for us. We also saw and heard a flute and a trumpet.

Our small groups this week included practicing identifying and writing letters, playing a memory game, and practicing sorting by shape, color, and size.

Our second step lessons were all about how to invite a friend to play. We practiced this skill during choice time and our gross motor time.


February 28 — No Preschool (PLC)

Weekly Update 1/30-2/3

This week we talked about animals that go through tunnels and animals that make their tunnels underground.

Our small groups this week gave students the opportunity to use tubes to make bird feeders, experiment with different sized tubes and cars, and students went on a color hunt in the classroom and in the hallways.

Our second step lessons focused on how to manage our anger. We talked about safe ways to calm our bodies at school and at home. We practiced taking our big, deep belly breaths and how we can solve our problem when our bodies are calm.


February 17 – 21 — No School

February 28 — No Preschool