Monthly Archives: October 2022

Weekly Update 10/24-10/28

This week we talked all about where we can find signs. We went on a sign walk around Kloefkorn and talked about signs we might see in stores. The students even made signs for our classroom. Ask your child what they can tell you about signs.

Our small groups this week included going on a color hunt through the halls of the school, playing the game “Does the wind move it?”, and making signs using popsicle sticks.

Our social emotional lessons talked about identifying feelings. We practiced looking at people’s faces to help us identify how they are feeling. We also talked about safe and unsafe substances for our bodies.


November 2 — Picture Retake Day

November 2-16 — 2nd Quarter Home Visits

November 23-29 — No School (Thanksgiving break, plan day, PLC day)

Weekly Update 10/19-10/21

During our short week, we talked about characteristics of signs and how they might be used. We made our own advertisements and worked together to observe various things about signs.

Our small groups this week included a treasure hunt in sand, identifying and writing numbers, and learning about a number line.

We reviewed  safety rules and the rules and expectations in preschool during our second step time.


October 25 — No Preschool (PLC)


Weekly Update 10/10-10/13

This week we talked about the characteristics of signs. We talked about the colors and what they might mean, the shapes of signs, and where we can find signs.

Our small groups this week included learning how to make tally marks, practicing our letter recognition, and playing shape bingo.

Our social emotional lessons this week taught us how to ask for help. We practiced asking for help in a respectful, strong voice.


October 14-18 — No School (Fall Break)

October 25 — No Preschool (PLC)

Weekly Update 10/3-10/7

This week we started our signs study. We went on a signs walk to see what kind of road signs we could see around Kloefkorn. We also talked about what we notice about signs such as their color, shape, words, and symbols.

This week during small group we practiced counting, sorting, and making shapes with geoboards.

Our second step curriculum focused on how to follow directions. We also reviewed some safety rules and learned a new rule about what to do if you get lost.


October 14-18 — No School (Fall Break)

October 25 — No Preschool (PLC)