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Below are the guidelines for middle school intramural soccer in Lincoln Public Schools.






FIELD DIMENSIONS:  Length – 40 yards, Width – 30 yards  (Each Site should be set up two fields)


GOALS:  8’ wide, 4’ tall  (Goals are portable and should be transported if playing “away.)


GOAL BOX:  8’ wide, 10 ft long is directly in front of the goal.  No player may touch the ball within the goal box, however any player may move through the goal box.  Any part of  a players body on the line is considered in the goal box; the player is an extension of the box.  If a defender touches the ball in the goal box, a penalty kick is awarded to the offensive team.  If an offensive player touches the ball within the goal box, a kick is awarded to the defensive team.  If the ball comes to a complete stop in the goal box, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team regardless of last touch.


BALL:  Size 5 ball will be used for all competitions


SHOES:  Soccer cleats, turf or tennis shoes are allowed.  No screw in cleats should be worn and not front toe cleat will be allowed. (No baseball or football cleats)


JEWELRY:  Players should not wear anything, which is dangerous. i.e rings, earrings, watches, etc.




TEAM COMPOSITION:  Schools will play by gender only.  Games will be 4 v 4.


GAME DURATION:  Games will consist or 4-6 minute quarters with 1 minute between.  If a game is tied at the end of  regulation, the result is a tie.  Players may play in a maximum of 3 games per date.


TIMES: First game will begin at 8:30AM pairing teams with the most skilled players.  A new game may start every half hour with the last game starting at 11:00AM if needed.


GOAL SCORING: A goal may be scored from a touch on the offensive half of the field.


FIVE YARD RULE:  In all dead ball situations, defending players must stand at least 5 yards away from the ball.  If the defensive player’s goal area is closer then 5 yards, the ball shall be placed 5 yards from goal area in line with the place of the penalty.


KICK-INS:  The ball shall be kicked into  play from the sideline instead of a throw-in.


INDIRECT KICKS:  All dead ball kicks (kick-ins, free kicks, kick offs)  are indirect with the exception of corner and penalty kicks.


GOAL KICKS: May be taken from any point on the end line, and not in the goal box area.


KICK OFF: May be taken in any direction


PENALTY KICKS:  Shall be awarded if, in the referee’s opinion, a scoring opportunity was nullified by the infraction.   It is a direct kick taken from the top  of the center circle.  (15 ft line)  on the offensive side of the midfield line with all other players behind the midfield line.  If a goal is not scored, the defense retains possession with a goal kick.  Penalty kicks are not live balls.


PLAYER EJECTION:  Referees have the right to eject a player from the game for continual disobedience or as a result of an incident that warrants an ejection.  If ejected a player is not allowed to play the remainder of the day if playing in multiple games.


OFF SIDES & SLIDE TACKLING:  Off sides will not be enforced and Slide tackline will not be allowed.

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