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Participating in the intramural program can be fun as long as you follow a few guidelines:

  1. All school rules apply to the intramural program.  Disrespect, inappropriate language, fighting or other behavior problems will not be tolerated.
  2. Communication is a very important part of participation in the Lux intramural program.  When you miss practice you must communicate to Mr. Burch that you are going to be gone, or why you were gone.  Emails or notes serve fine as this communication.  Unexcused absences may result in a loss of playing time, or limited participation in the intramural program.  Absences from school are automatically excused.
  3. Rides need to be arranged to pick students up within fifteen minutes of practice being finished.  To help with supervision, students will need to be picked up at the southwest (6th Grade) entrance.  If rides are coming early, students need to be responsible for communicating with their coach, and leaving early to catch their ride.  Coaches will not be able to keep track of dismissing students before practice is over.

If you have any questions about the expectations, please feel free to contact me at