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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Spanish 2

–> PERIODS 3, 4, 7 ONLY: Our warm-up was 10 questions over Puerto Rico, pp. 140-141.

**Take a copy of the questions from the left, front folders. This information will be on the test.**

1) Students saw their 3.1 Quiz results and their grades after the first 2 weeks of this semester.

**Ask for your quiz results and your grade sheet. Write your reaction to your formative and your summative grade. Write a specific plan if you are below a “C” in either category. Example: If your formative grade is a D: I will get in my two missing assignments by Wednesday, and I will do all warm-ups in class.**

2) We played “Football” to see how much we remember of 3.1 after a long weekend.

3) La tarea – Study for our 3.1 TEST which will be Friday, January 24th! Also, think of ideas for your “¡No te lo pongas!” (What Not To Wear) episode you’ll be presenting on Thursday


Español 3-4 Combinado

1) Hablamos 10 minutos sobre varios temas.

**Ven después de las clases para hablar y ganar tus puntos!**

2) Empezamos la Unidad 4.2 con la presentación de vocabulario, pp. 238-239.

3) Escribimos las definiciones del Vocabulario 4.2 en inglés para empezar a estudiarlo.

4) Hablamos mucho de los héroes (cómo son quiénes son, etc.) y las profesiones de 4.2.

5) La tarea – Una hoja de práctica con el vocabulario (Vocabulario A, Vocabulario B)

**Toma una copia.**

6) **¡Ven después de las clases para hablar y ganar tus puntos!**

Posted in Assignments.