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Guidelines and Grading

Daily Expectations

Be on time! Class starts as soon as the tardy bell rings!

Be prepared! Bring all materials to class every day: your textbook, workbook, organized class notes, completed homework assignment, and a pencil or pen. NO LATE PAPERS!

Complete work missed due to excused absences within one week. Make sure you consult the “Tarea de ayer” notebook on the counter. You can also find daily assignments posted on this web site. Don’t forget to check for any speaking activities you need to make up!

ALL MAKE-UP WORK, WITH OR WITHOUT A PASS, MUST BE COMPLETED                                                             BY THE END OF EACH CHAPTER AND/OR QUARTER!

Participate! ¡Habla español! Do all the activities to the best of your ability. Be positive! You can do it!

Be considerate! Respect the rights and dignity of others. Please stay seated until the bell rings to dismiss you.

Passes: You will be issued five passes for the semester. These may be used for an extra day to complete a daily assignment. It is your responsibility to use the passes wisely.

Other matters: Food, candy, and drinks are not allowed, with the exception of bottled water.

–> All electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight at all times when you are in the classroom (even if the bell hasn’t rung, even if we have only 1 minute left!).

This is our classroom and we need to work together to create a place where ALL have the opportunity to learn! If you have difficulties following these expectations, we will start with a student-teacher conference to work out a solution.

Attendance PolicyAll Southeast classes will follow the published Southeast attendance policy.


Grades for this class are based on the results of tests, quizzes, speaking and listening activities, and written work. There will also be a final exam each semester.

The World Language department grading scale is:

90-100 = A

85-89 = B+

80-84 = B

75-79 = C+

70-74 = C

65-69 = D+

60-64 = D

0-59 = F



 Academic Integrity is a set of attitudes and a pattern of actions that describe how students learn.  Students at Southeast are expected to learn and demonstrate academic integrity in all their classes and learning in preparation for post-high school education and career development.

-Lincoln Southeast High School Student Handbook

The teachers of World Language at Southeast High School are committed to providing students opportunities to acquire the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing in the target language(s) as well as learning about the cultures of the people(s) who speak those languages.  They also believe that students must accomplish these goals through study, practice and individual effort.  Therefore, academic integrity is expected from all students.

In the classroom:

  • Students will not copy another student’s work or allow others to copy.
  • Students will not get answers on quizzes or tests from others, nor will they provide that information in any way to another student.
  • Students will not take credit or receive a grade for any assignment or project if s/he did not do sufficient work.

Outside Resources:

  • Students will give credit (footnotes, notation or bibliography) of resources used in the preparation of any paper, project or assignment.
  • Students will not use electronic devices or computers to translate work into the target language.
  • Students must use appropriate, valid and accurate web sites for any class work or assignment.
  • Any information gained from others (exchange students, native speakers, tutors, etc.) must be processed by the student and done in his/her own words and linguistic level.

Consequences for infractions:

  • Teacher calls to inform parents/guardians and writes a discipline referral.
  • Administrator meets with student to process referral and assigns detention or Saturday school.
  • Student is expected to complete an alternative assignment/ form of assessment for credit minus a full letter grade. The student will also complete the “Cheating/Plagiarism Assignment” worksheet and go over it with an administrator.
  • If student repeatedly violates the Academic Integrity Policy, additional and more severe consequences will follow (i.e. possible exclusion from academic honors, NHS, etc.)