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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Spanish 2

1) We learned the names of the last 1/3 of our class. Be sure to come in, greet each other by name, and converse in Spanish!

2) I marked credit for the homework assignment – the worksheet on 3.1 Vocabulary.

**Put your answers in the “Tarea aquí” box.**

3) We reviewed how to talk about how clothing fits.

4) We added notes to the back of our 3.1 vocabulary sheets: importar, interesar, encantar. These verbs are used just like gustar and quedar. Pronouns: me, te, le, nos, les plus the singular or plural form of the verb (importa, importan, interesa, interesan, encanta, encantan).

5) We saw pictures of 9 people and gave them feedback on how they looked, whether they were fashionable, how their clothing fit, our opinions on the clothing colors, and any recommendations we had for them. These were the questions in Spanish: ¿Estoy de moda?, ¿Cómo me queda la ropa?, ¿Qué te parecen los colores?, ¿Qué me recomiendas?

**For credit – Find magazine pictures for two people and give them feedback. Your comments should be at the Spanish 2 level. (Ask me for a magazine, if you don’t have any at home.)**

6) La tarea – Study 3.1 and clothing vocabulary!

Español 3-4 Combinado

1) Practicamos los verbos “querer, desear, esperar” y el subjuntivo.

2) Encontramos los compañeros para El Caribe.

**Toma tu lista.**

3) Añadimos una razón más para usar el subjuntivo – con verbos de influencia/

recomendaciones (sugerir, recomendar, aconsejar, etc.) Mira la p. 222 de tu libro.

4) La tarea – Una hoja de práctica con los verbos de influencia /recomendaciones.

**Toma una copia.**

5) **¡Ven después de las clases para hablar y ganar tus puntos!**

Posted in Assignments.