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lunes, el 13 de enero

Spanish 4

1.  Hablamos del fin de semana para punto(s) de hablar.

2.  Repasamos la tarea.  Actividad #4, p. 394 ES PARA UNA NOTA.  La clave está en la carpeta.

3.  Hicimos #5, #394.  Debes hacerla y corregirla usando la clave.

4.  Un “estudio” (survey) de tu sabiduría de las conjugaciones diferentes de los verbos.  La Sra. tiene tu hoja de verbos.

5.  ¿Recuerdas el presente del subjuntivo?  Lee la página 243, Subjuntive with Doubt.


1.  Prueba de vocabulario el viernes

2.  Hoja de trabajo:  ¿Recuerdas? subjunctive with doubt.  Solamente esta sección (p. 11) y NO la sección de ¿Recuerdas? Impersonal Expressions (p. 12).

Spanish 2

1.  Using 2 picture transparencies, we reviewed the clothing vocabulary and then watched the DVD using these words.  Go to p. 144 in the on-line text and you should watch it as well.

2.  Students then described their partners clothing to each other and then a few of the students volunteered to describe the clothing to the class as a speaking point.

3.  We checked the hw.  THIS IS FOR A COMPLETION GRADE!  Check your WS with the answer key  in the Claves folder and then put it in the yellow class folder (Do you need a hw pass for it?  If so, then be sure you complete the pass and staple it on the WS after you correct it and before you place it in the yellow folder.

4.  We watched the Telehistoria #1 on p. 147 and then completed a short writing activity.  Sra. has this activity for you and the answer key is in the folder.  You can watch the video on line on p. 147.


1.  p. 146, #1.  Using the sample given, complete the activity.

2.  p. 146, Para y piensa (At the bottom of the page)…Write out the entire sentence!

Posted in Actividades/tarea.