Book List

Snow – Dr. Seuss

I know an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly – N. Westcott

Biscuit books


*Slippery Fish (see my “songs” page for the youtube link)

*Frosty the Snowman

*Itsy Bitsy Spider

*On Top of Spaghetti (there’s a book of this song too)

* 5 Little Monkeys Swinging from the Tree (target words: swinging, snap, mister)

*I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly


*I Spy…

*Put spots on something.  Say “spot” each time

*Put stickers on something. Say “sticker” each time

*Use a tongs from the kitchen drawer and practice saying “snap!” as you pick up foam puzzle pieces, cotton balls, or other things

*”scoop” and “spill” sand, rice, water, corn, etc… in a homemade sensory tub

*Cooking/baking – target words: spoon, spatula, stir, spray, scoop

*swinging (say “swing” with each push)

*Build a paper chain snake – write a s-blend word on each link

