How the sound is made (link to University of Iowa site)

*choose “stop” then /p/ or /b/

Visual Cue

/b/ visual cue

Book List

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do You See? – Bill Martin Jr.

The B Book – Dr. Seuss

Ten in the Bed – P. Dale

To Market, To Market – Anne Miranda (target word “buy”)

The Napping House – A. Wood

All By Myself – Mercer Mayer

Games & Activities


*This Little Piggy Went to Market

*Popping Bubbles – say “pop!” each time

*Making popcorn

* Say “poke” as you poke playdough

*Say “boom” as you hit a drum

*Say “up” or “hop” as you hop around the room


*Ten in the Bed

*I’m Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee

*Bubble Bubble Pop