
A Walk in the WoRds: Linguistics Cartoon Favorites - Adjective or Verb?


*”scoop”, “dump”, “mix”,  sand, rice, water, corn, etc… in a homemade sensory tub

*”drive”, “go”, “stop”, “turn”, etc… on a road mat made from a sheet and colored tape or find other DIY road ideas on pinterest

*Look at books and talk about what the characters are doing.

*Pause a TV show or DVD and talk about what everyone on the screen is doing.

*Animal Toss – Gather small stuffed or plastic animals and put them in a bag.  Draw out an animal, label it, and talk about how it moves (hop, walk, run, swim, crawl, fly).  Toss the animal across the room then move like that animal to retrieve it and bring it back.  Say “hop, hop, hop…” or “hopping, hopping, hopping…” as you child moves.


*Shake my Sillies Out

*Shake and Stop