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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Spanish 2

1) I marked credit for the homework assignment – the 2.1 vocabulary list with the meanings written in.

** Show me your answers for credit.**

**Also, make sure you have credit for the Argentina video answers. If you were absent on Monday, you must come in to watch the video and answer the questions.**

2) We made our list of Argentina partners.

**Take your sheet (with your name on it) from the left, front folder.**

3) PERIOD 1 ONLY – We had a conversation with a partner about sports, how important they are to us, which sporting events we watch, our favorite player, etc.

4) La tarea – a worksheet on 2.1 vocabulary.

**Take a copy from the left, front folder.**

Español 3-4 Combinado

1) Marqué crédito para la tarea – la hoja de práctica con el vocabulario de 3.1

**Pon tus respuestas en la caja de “Tarea aquí”.**

2) Encontramos a los compañeros para Centroamérica.

3) Aprendimos un tiempo verbal nuevo – el futuro. Mira la página 157 de tu libro para mucha información.

**Toma una copia del “verb chart” para el futuro.**

4) La tarea – una hoja de práctica con el futuro.

**Toma una copia.**

5) **¡Ven después de las clases para hablar y ganar tus puntos!**

Posted in Assignments.