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miércoles, el 14 de octubre

Spanish 4

  1. Trabajamos en el mini-proyecto, Nunca SatisfechosES NECESARIO ENTREGÁRSELO A LA SRA. AL FIN DE LA CLASE HOY.


¡Buenas vacaciones!

Spanish 2

  1. We checked the hw.  Please use the answer key.  THIS IS FOR A COMPLETION GRADE!
  2. The class worked on the calendar which was due at the end of class. Please plan on staying after school next week to complete this graded class activity.


  1. Prueba 1.2…el martes, el 20 de octubre (The Tuesday after the break)
    REMEMER your daily routine this weekend after you wake up:

1.) Wash your face.
2.) Eat breakfast.
3.) Brush your teeth.
4.) Get dressed.
5.) STUDY THE 1.2 VOCABULARY AND THE PRETERITE CONJUGATIONS  for regular -AR verbs, ser/ir, hacer and ver/dar.
6.) Enjoy the rest of your day.

Repeat the following days!


Posted in Actividades/tarea.