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viernes, el 19 de septiembre

Spanish 4

1.  Practicamos con un Power Point el uso del subjuntivo y el indicativo.

2.  EXAMEN 5.1Necesitas tomarlo tan pronto como sea posible.


1.  Un descanso…vamos a empezar 5.2 el lunes!

Spanish 2

1.  We played Matamoscas to review for the vocabulary quiz.

2.  Quiz:  Vocabulary…you need to take this ASAP!

3.  We checked the hw.  The answer key is in the folder.  This is NOT for a grade so put it in your notebook.

4.  Sra. returned the Maleta homework activity and then partners asked each other questions for a speaking activity.


1.  Keep up with the vocabulary!

Posted in Actividades/tarea.