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jueves, el 18 de septiembre

Spanish 4

1.  Practicamos la conjugación del subjuntivo con compañero.

2.  Fuimos a GP LAB para repasar para el examen.


1.  Examen de 5.1:  MAÑANA:  el viernes, el 19

Spanish 2

1.  Sra. gave out the new vocabulary list for 1.1 and students completed a “self-assessment” of the words they knew and did not know.  Sra. has your copy.

2.  Sra. collected the “suitcase” activity.  THIS IS FOR A GRADE SO BE SURE YOU TURN IT IN FOR CREDIT!

3.  We checked the HW.  The answer key is in the Claves folder.  THIS IS FOR A GRADE.

4.  We then completed the remaining sections (right hand side) of the hw in class and also checked it.  You need to do the same and use the answer key.  This is NOT for a grade so put the handout in your notebook.

5.  We read the Nota Gramatical on p, 40.  BE SURE YOU READ THIS! 


1.  Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow

2.  1/2 WS:  the personal “a”

Posted in Actividades/tarea.