
Terms, phrases and acronyms used at LPS

LPS 'Pedia

  1. 0-9
  2. A-D
  3. E-H
  4. I-L
  5. M-P
  6. Q-T
  7. U-X
  8. Y-Z

Q Street School (Bryant School)

  • LOCATION: 18th & Q
  • OPERATION: 1886-1929

Four years after construction, the name of ‘Q Street School’ was changed to ‘Bryant‘.

RAN – Randolph Elementary

    • 1899 – 1901: 27th & RANDOLPH (1 st building)
    • 1901 – 1925: 26th & RANDOLPH (2nd building)
    • 1925 – Present: 37th & D STREETS (3rd building)
  • Web site
  • Panoramic image

Randolph was named for the street on which it was first built. The name was retained when the school moved to its present location.

The history of the development of Randolph School begins back in the past century with the arrival of Lyman Frost and his family in Lincoln in 1868. The first school in the present Randolph area was in the upstairs of this pioneer’s home located at what is now the Northeast corner of 33rd and Randolph Streets. The farm of Lyman Frost extended from 3rd to 40th Street with Randolph Street, then just a country dirt road as it’s southern border. The school consisted of 8 children and was taught by an older daughter of Mr. Frost while a small building was being erected on the Southeast corner or 33rd and Randolph Streets.

This building and the larger one that followed were the centers of social life for the community until a tornado demolished it. This building was called the “Frost School.” Randolph school was never rebuilt in that location. For a time it was held in an old building farther south and in a rented building on the south side of Randolph Street between 26th and 27th streets. For several years Randolph students also attended school in the old Elliot Building at 26th and O Streets until the first Randolph School was built in 1901. It was a four room brick building and was erected at 26th and Randolph Streets where a city park, American Legion Park, stands today.

1st Randolph School Building

Classes were held at that location until our present structure at 37th and D Streets was completed in 1926. The architect that designed the new Randolph School was Ellery Davis Sr., one of the finalists in the competition to design the new State Capitol Building. The bid was let in February of 1925 with a scheduled completion date of January, 1926. Randolph School was built in the middle of a field. South of Randolph were cornfields and a pond which was used for fishing in the summer and ice skating in the winter. The “Lower Playground” was not developed and was off limits to students. A creek ran through it and there were many willow trees and bushes that grew there.


Randolph School has had three additions since it was built. The first was in 1951 when the present Art and Music rooms along with the upstairs sixth grade rooms, 212 and 214 were built. As the population of the school increased there was a need for two more additions, the current Kindergarten and First grade rooms were added in 1953 and the current second grade rooms were added in 1955 when Randolph’s enrollment reached its peak of 729 students.

History & images provided by Randolph Elementary web site.

Recommended App

Instructional Technology Tool (app) that appears on the “for class.lps.org” page of the Chrome Web Store.

Records (Student)

A confidential, permanent individual record for each student in the Lincoln Public Schools is maintained in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, and information from that record is released only in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.

Notices regarding access to and inspection of these records, privacy, and other issues may be found on the student services web site.


B.I.S.T. is a school-wide behavior management plan that increases student learning time, stops disruptive/hurtful behavior, and teaches skills that will lead to life success.

Recovery is the assignment to a safe seat or buddy room for an extended period of time for students who are having difficulty changing their disruptive or hurtful behavior.


When we assess students we want to generate scores that are consistent. In educational assessment there are actually four types of consistency:

  1. stability over different assessment occasions,
  2. consistency of results among two or more different forms of an assessment,
  3. consistency in the way an assessment’s items function, and
  4. consistency between scores assigned by two different raters.

Religious Holidays, Guidelines for

The Lincoln School District complies with the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The First Amendment requires that public schools neither promote nor interfere with the practice of religion. This requirement sometimes presents some difficult situations for schools. For one thing, schools are expected to teach about many facets of society, including the moral, ethical and religious values held by people in that society. For another, schools are a part of the fabric of our American society–and so is religious practice. Schools are required to be a part of practically all activities that go on in a community, including religious holidays, while avoiding either the promoting of religious practices or interference with religious practices.

To further complicate the situation, some religious observances have evolved into cultural, secular observances, while still retaining religious meaning for many Americans. Christmas, Easter and Hanukkah are examples of religious holidays that are now observed as cultural events. Other holidays have their origins in religion, but have lost practically all religious meaning in terms of the way most Americans observe the holidays. Valentine’s Day and Halloween are examples.

The issue for schools is how to allow students to be a part of American society’s observance of such events and yet not require any student to participate in an observance which conflicts with the student’s religious beliefs.

To avoid interfering with the religious practices of students, efforts are made to avoid scheduling major tests and major student activities on dates of religious significance.

If you are concerned about any particular date on which there might be a school conflict with your family’s religious activities, please call your child’s school.

In an effort to deal with this admittedly complex situation, Lincoln Public Schools has developed guidelines with advice from citizens, religious leaders and staff members.

The guidelines are intended to help staff members be sensitive to the problems surrounding religious events without robbing those events of their luster as part of our American heritage. Guidelines are as follows:

All activities included in the instructional program shall be inclusive and pluralistic–that is, students of varying cultural, ethnic and religious heritage should be able to feel included and feel comfortable being included.

  1. The role that diverse religious traditions have played in the historical development of our society should be recognized.
  2. A school program or student performance should not be a forum for religious worship–all school programs should serve an educational purpose.
  3. Student participation in any program, or performance (e.g., music) which may involve religious materials which a student may find personally objectionable should be voluntary.
  4. Persons who are authorities on a particular culture or religion may serve as resources in the classroom.
  5. Religious symbols may be used as teaching aids when used objectively to teach about a religious heritage.
  6. Christmas trees, Santa Claus, and Easter eggs and bunnies are considered to be secular, seasonal symbols and may be displayed provided they do not disrupt the instructional program for students.
  7. Holiday parties may be held as long as they do not become religious observances, as long as all children can be included or positive alternatives
  8. In ceremonial functions, opening and closing remarks are used instead of invocations and benedictions.
  9. Because baccalaureate is a traditionally religious service, it is sponsored by a community group rather than by the School District.

We appreciate the support Lincoln parents have traditionally given to Lincoln Public Schools. Your cooperation with the schools as they attempt to follow these guidelines will be most helpful. If you have any questions about the guidelines, or wish to express any concern, please talk with the principal at your child’s school or call Terry Macholan, educational equity administrator, 436‑1650; or E. Susan Gourley, Superintendent, 436-1601.

Remote Learning Program (RLP)

LOCATION: Students are online, at their homes. Staff are housed at various locations across LPS.

OPERATION: 2021-2022

WEB: http://rlp.lps.org/

The Remote Learning Program (RLP) is a one-year only program made available to families with students in grades kindergarten through eighth for the 2021–2022 school year. It provided an alternative educational experience for students and families who opted to receive instruction from home, instead of in a traditional classroom. The program was created to meet a need for families navigating the COVID pandemic.


Restorative Practices

Restorative practices focus on proactively building relationships and community, while also addressing harm in a manner that allows for meaningful accountability. These approaches are utilized in the LPS behavior framework and contribute by addressing conflicts and behavioral issues in a constructive, relational manner.

While accountability remains a central aspect of restorative processes, the emphasis is on promoting understanding, repair, and growth. Restorative approaches may include:

  • Chats: Restorative chats may be formal or informal structured one-on-one discussions that use restorative questions, “I” statements, and empathetic listening to guide someone through reflection, problem solving, and repairing harm. Restorative chats help identify root causes, understand the impact, and take steps to repair harm.
  • Circles: Circles create a safe and equitable space for people to communicate and connect with one another. Talking Circles can be used to get to know members of the community. Conflict Circles can be used to develop agreements, repair harm, and resolve conflict. Re-entry Circles can be used to provide an opportunity to assist with harm repair and re-entry of a student back into the school community following a suspension, expulsion, alternative out of school placement, or major disruption to the environment.
  • Conferencing: Restorative conferencing may involve processing and problem solving of major incidents or incidents that impact a larger group of the school community.


RIL – Riley Elementary

    • 1910 – 1917: 1st building of frame construction
    • 1917 – 1963: 2nd building at 5051 Dudley
    • 1964 – Present: 3rd building built across the street at  5021 Orchard St, 68504
  • Web site

This school, part of the University Place School System, was annexed in 1927. It was named for James Whitcomb Riley (1849-1910), a popular American poet.

Following are excerpts from ‘Riley History’ by Nicole Ann Hessheimer, Riley Class of 1999

Riley History

The first school building was built in 1892. It was a white frame building that had two rooms and held only about 100 students. At the time, Riley was called Ward 3, and this area of Lincoln was its own town called University Place. The school was called Ward 3 until 1913 when a second and larger building, called Riley, was built on the same property. The smaller structure was then used as an annex. In 1927, Riley became part of Lincoln Public Schools, or LPS.

In 1964 the new Riley Elementary School was built. Total construction costs were $524,532.00 At that time, the school offered grades Kindergarten through 6th. The building could hold 600 students and in September of 1965, the enrollment was 533.

The Riley Fire

On Tuesday, March 10, 1964, smoke was reported being seen coming from the annex. The custodian checked the building and found fire had broken out in the temporary building. Fortunately, the children that used the annex for classes had been dismissed for lunch only a few minutes before. All the materials, band instruments and clothing had been damaged or destroyed but the students were not injured. After the fire, the children who used the annex were bussed to Hawthorne Elementary until the school year was completed.

Old Riley School Demolished

In January 2001, the old Riley school (c. 1917) was demolished to make way for new homes. Riley students enjoyed watching the fascinating process of the old school being torn down.

ROB – Robinson Elementary School

LOCATION: Near 102nd & Holdrege, 68527
IN OPERATION: 2022 – Present

Ada Robinson (shown at right) is a former Clinton Elementary School teacher known for building relationships and serving multiple generations of students.

Robinson elementary school is located in northeast Lincoln east of 102nd and south of Holdrege in the Waterford Estates neighborhood. Opening in the fall of 2022, the elementary school was the 40th elementary school in Lincoln Public Schools, funded by the voter-approved 2020 Bond Issue.

Family, friends, former colleagues and students, LPS administrators and members of the Lincoln Board of Education gathered Sunday, May 23, 2021 at the future site of Robinson Elementary in northeast Lincoln to honor Ada Robinson, the school’s namesake, who taught at Clinton Elementary School for 37 years. Mrs. Ada Robinson visited school on the first day of school. her smile and positive attitude helped students that were feeling anxious or nervous about their first day of school or attending a new school. Mrs. Robinson’s legacy is all about relationships and doing what is best for students. One of the school goals at Robinson is to make sure that they honor the legacy that Mrs. Robinson left as an educator.

LPS named Jeff Vercellino as the first principal of the new Ada Robinson elementary school. Students selected “Raptors” as the school mascot.

The original opening day of school was delayed by two weeks due to supply chain issues experienced nation-wide in the construction industry after the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-22. Construction was focused on the north side of the building in an effort to be able to allow students and teachers access by the end of August 2022. The student academic day was extended by 17 minutes in the first year to assist students with recovering the instructional time missed due to the delay in opening. Once school started, construction efforts focused on the unfinished south side of the facility where an additional 12 classroom were readied for the expected enrollment growth. The school gymnasium and playground were opened in October, with the remaining construction brought to a close by the end of first semester.

ROP – Roper Elementary

This elementary school was named for Mrs. Hulda V. Roper.  She dedicated her life to serving the community and especially the young people of Lincoln.

In 1944, Hulda became the first woman police officer on the Lincoln Police force. As the only woman on the force for several years, Ms. Roper was involved in many cases dealing with family problems and demonstrated a particular interest in children and their welfare.

Putting her caring for children into action, Ms. Roper was instrumental in organizing an Opportunity Camp for disadvantaged youngsters from the Lincoln area. She recognized a gap in services to support needy children and single-handedly organized support to start the Cedars Home for Children.  She was also instrumental in establishing a juvenile court system.

Hulda Roper, after unselfishly devoting her entire career to the Lincoln community and its young people, died February 28, 2001.

Roper added 16 new classrooms an 2 additional multipurpose rooms during the 2007-2008 School Term.

ROU – Rousseau Elementary

Maude Rousseau Elementary School was named after C. Maude Rousseau (1879-1961) who was a teacher and principal in Lincoln. She was born May 2, 1879 and died February 13, 1961. Miss Rousseau taught at Elliott from 1918-1922. She was an assistant principal and girls advisor at Whittier Junior High from 1922-1926, and was the first principal at Randolph School, where she served from 1926-1947.

On March 12, 1963, the board of education approved the name Maude Rousseau for the new school to be built at 33rd and Calvert. At that time, Calvert Street was not even paved. Kingery Construction was low bidder, and thus got the job of building Rousseau School at a cost of under $500,000. The Clark Enersen Partners designed the building.

RSS – Really Simple Syndication

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an easy and efficient way to subscribe yourself to information coming from various web pages in one central location. LPS provides many information sources that can be subscribed to in this manner. For more information, visit this page about RSS on the LPS web site.

RTI – Response to Intervention

In the RTI (Response to Intervention) process, schools identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide evidence-based interventions and adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions depending on a student’s responsiveness, and identify students with learning disabilities.

RUA – Responsible Use Agreement

The student “RUA” (Responsible Technology Use Agreement for LPS Students) is signed by each LPS student prior to using technology devices.

At the elementary level, the student RUA is a document used by teachers to frame proactive classroom discussions that instruct students about appropriate behaviors when using devices and network services in the classroom setting, as opposed to behaviors they may express when using devices in a personal (home) setting. It offers alignment with PBiS protocols as a Tier-1 Universal Support for setting building expectations around the use of devices in all classroom settings across the building. It also assists with student ownership of personal behaviors and the consequences that can arise from them. The signature of the student on the RUA serves as a behavioral contract with the teacher, school, and district and stays in the classroom.

At the secondary level, the student RUA is a required signature during Chromebook checkout. It is followed up with information provided in classrooms regarding appropriate behaviors when using devices, and building expectations.

Safe Seat

B.I.S.T. is a school-wide behavior management plan that increases student learning time, stops disruptive/hurtful behavior, and teaches skills that will lead to life success.

A designated seat in the student’s regular classroom intended to provide a safe place where the disruptive behavior can stop. The student is not in trouble. The safe seat provides a place to keep the student out of trouble. A student can place him/herself in the safe seat as well as being assigned by an adult.

SAP – Student Assistance Process

The Student Assistance Process (SAP) is a problem solving framework and philosophy for assisting students whose educational performance and/or behavior seem to be interfering with academic progress. A student may enter the SAP process if there is concern about academic achievement or ability to function independently in the learning environment. Parents and staff are involved in the process of setting goals, using research-based interventions for at least 6-8 weeks, collecting data, and determining if the student is making growth based upon the data. If a student is showing improvement they may stay in the SAP process for an extended period of time or may be dismissed if the concern was resolved.

This procedure is designed for use by all staff who, after making the normal day-to-day adjustments in the student’s learning materials and environment, determines that their efforts have not been successful in helping the student.

SAR – Saratoga Elementary

Named for the street, this old school has been extensively added to, remodeled and rebuilt over the years. Most of the central section was built in 1924.

SAT Reasoning Test

The SAT Reasoning Test (formerly called the “Scholastic Aptitude Test”) is a standardized test of math, critical reading, and writing taken by college bound students. Almost all colleges and university systems recognize it as a tool for assessing the “college readiness” of students.

SCH – Philip H. Schoo Middle School

Schoo Middle School opened its doors in August 2009, named after Dr. Philip H. Schoo, Superintendent of Lincoln Public Schools from 1985-2004.

Schoo Middle School also serves as the site for the Fallbrook YMCA, which was the first collaboration between a YMCA and a middle school in the state of Nebraska.

SCO – Hazel G. Scott Middle School

Scott Middle School was established in 1996 and was named after Hazel G. Scott. She was born in 1900 and began teaching in a country school at South Bend, NE in 1918. Miss Scott joined the teaching staff at College View High school in 1924. She was assistant principal from 1946 to 1947 and principal from 1947 to 1955 when the school closed and Southeast High school opened. She was Southeast’s first principal from 1955 to 1956. She then asked to become assistant principal and served in that position until her retirement in 1965. She was the first woman principal of a Lincoln high school.

Miss Scott died in 1993, a day before the announcement of the names of the new

SDO – Staff Development Affiliate, ESU

SDO is the Staff Development Affiliate group within the Nebraska ESU (Educational Service Unit) system.

Across the state, ESU system affiliate groups focusing on specific topics meet a few times a year to discuss alignment and strategy for their respective issues, as well as participating in their own staff development and training. LPS contributes active membership and leadership positions on many of these groups.

Seven Standards

A set of seven standards that serve as the foundation for both school and district accreditation processes. The seven standards address the following areas: 1. Vision and Purpose 2. Governance and Leadership 3. Teaching and Learning 4. Documenting and Using Results 5. Resources and Support Systems 6. Stakeholder Communications and Relationships 7. Commitment to Continuous Improvement–

SFP – Science Focus Program (Zoo School)

The Science Focus Program was created in 1997. In the 1990’s Lincoln Public Schools developed Focus Programs to provide students with similar interests the option to learn in a small community of learners. The programs are an extension of student learning in their LPS home high school of choice. There is no additional fee or tuition charged for program participation.

SFP Students play an active role in defining their learning environment and education. Students take traditional course work that is infused with additional layers of critical thinking and research based inquiry about the world and themselves, inside and outside of the classroom.

The program existed in temporary facilities and portable trailers at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo from 1997 – 2019, establishing it’s nickname as “Zoo School.”

In the Fall of 2019, the SFP program moved into a new, purpose-built facility with innovative science labs and collaborative work spaces. The campus is located adjacent to the Lincoln Children’s Zoo Entrance and Plaza. In addition to having access to the zoo, SFP students enjoy the use of our own outdoor learning spaces and a multipurpose room.


SHE – Sheridan Elementary

This elementary school was named for its proximity to Sheridan Boulevard.

SJDLC (DLC) – Steve Joel District Leadership Center

The Steve Joel District Leadership Center (SJDLC) is found at 5905 O Street in Lincoln, NE. It houses many of the administrative and support personnel for Lincoln Public Schools, as well as the Board of Education meeting room, training and meeting spaces.

In June, 2022 the Lincoln Board of Education voted to rename the LPS District Office (LPSDO) to the “Steve Joel District Leadership Center” (SJDLC or DLC) to honor Joel’s legacy. He led LPS through 12 years of tremendous growth and challenges,  including the COVID-19 pandemic and the fire that destroyed the district office on May 30, 2011. He is celebrated for his vision, leadership and commitment to LPS students even through hardships.

LPS central offices have been known by different monikers over the years, including:

  • PSAB – Public Schools Administration Building
  • LPSDO – LPS District Office

SkillsUSA (VICA)

SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations. It was formerly known as VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America).

SLD – Specific Learning Disability

A specific learning disability is “a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations.”

This disability category includes such conditions as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental aphasia (a type of language disorder).

SLI – Speech Language Impairment

A speech language impairments is defined as “a communication disorder such as stuttering, impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment that adversely affects a child’s educational performance.”

Each point within this official definition represents a speech and language subcategory.

  • “A communication disorder such as stuttering” provides an example of a fluency disorder; other fluency issues include unusual word repetition and hesitant speech.
  • “Impaired articulation” indicates impairments in which a child experiences challenges in pronouncing specific sounds.
  • “A language impairment” can entail difficulty comprehending words properly, expressing oneself and listening to others.
  • “A voice impairment” involves difficulty voicing words; for instance, throat issues may cause an abnormally soft voice.

SLP – Speech Language Pathologist

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, and cognitive-communication disorders in children. They address speech & vocal production, swallowing difficulties and language needs through speech therapy.

SNAP – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) was formerly called the Food Stamp Program.

If you had students enrolled in Lincoln Public Schools during the previous school year, and you qualified for SNAP on July 1, the students will automatically be qualified for free meals.

If after July 2, you receive a letter from Nebraska Department of Education, you need to submit the letter to the Nutrition Services Department with Lincoln Public Schools. The adult family member must sign this letter to be able to receive free meal benefits.

If you have any questions, please call the Nutrition Services Department at 436-1746.

SNRP – Southeast Nebraska Regional Program

In June 1997, the State Board of Education approved the establishment of statewide educational programs and support services for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. The Southeast Nebraska Regional Program provides support necessary to assist students, families, professionals, and schools in fulfillment of the vision.

SNRP offers sign language classes, a lending library, and schedules activities for parents, family members, and educational staff working with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Contact Wendy at 402-436-1897 or wherrol@lps.org for more information.

Special Attendance Permit Applications (Transfers)

Students (K-8) wishing to attend a school other than the one in their attendance area must complete an Application for Special Attendance Permit.

Applications may be completed and left at the student’s current school. They will be forwarded to LPS Student Services for action. Decisions of approval or denial are based upon building capacity and circumstances.

Requests to transfer are usually due in LPS Student Services by the first of January preceding the school year you wish to transfer in. Using information from principals regarding building capacity, action is taken on requests for the next school year during the month of February. Families are informed by U.S. mail whether or not the permit was approved.

All students currently in grade 8 must file a High School Choice Form by the end of January for automatic approval. The only restriction may be if the building’s capacity requires closing it to transfer.

Any requests to transfer coming after the deadlines (unless the student is new to Lincoln) will be placed on a waiting list in the order of arrival date at the Department of Student Services, 5901 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68510 and considered for approval the second week of June.

Transfer requests are expected to remain in effect for an entire school year.

Special Education

Special Education means specially designed instruction. Specially designed instruction means adapting as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs of the child that result from the child’s disability and to ensure access to the general curriculum so that the child can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the public school district.

Special Education is provided at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of a child with a verified disability, including classroom instruction, home instruction, instruction in hospitals and institutions, and instruction in physical education. The term includes travel training, vocational education, speech-language pathology, occupational therapy and physical therapy if the service consists of specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.

SSP – Student Support Program

The Student Support Program offers an opportunity for students to continue their academic progress during times of long-term suspension or expulsion.

The program serves students in 6th through 12th grade. Through restorative practices and consistent expectations, a safe and predictable environment is created that promotes positive behavior, attendance, and academic growth.


SSW – School Social Worker

LPS school social workers (SSW) serve in a variety of capacities. They work closely with school counselors and school psychologists.

Each SSW is a licensed mental health professional. They typically work to connect families and/or students with standard of living resources and support (clothing, food, shelter, etc.) They may also assist with student attendance by meeting with families to developing action plans to help students show up for school each day.

Standardized tests

Tests that are administered and scored under conditions uniform to all students (test-takers). Standardization is a generic concept that can apply to any testing method – from multiple-choice to written essays to performance assessments. Standardization makes scores comparable and assures, to the extent possible, that test-takers have equal chances to demonstrate what they know.

  • Criterion-referenced tests (CRTs) – Standardized tests that compare a student’s performance to clearly identified learning tasks or skill levels. The basis for comparison is to a body of content knowledge and skills.
  • Norm-referenced tests (NRTs)– Standardized tests that compare a student’s performance to that of other test-takers. Norms are obtained by administering the test (under the same conditions) to a given sample (drawn from the population of interest, called the norm group) and then calculating standard scores.

STARS – School-Based Teacher-Lead Assessment Reporting System

STARS (School-Based Teacher-Lead Assessment Reporting System) is the Nebraska state assessment system.  LPS is required by state law to adopt district standards, develop assessments to measure them, and report the results to the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE).  We report these assessment results for grades 4, 8, and 12 each school year.

AYP (adequate yearly progress) is part of the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).  We report assessment results for grades 3-8 and 12 to the NDE to meet this federal requirement.

If schools or the district don’t meet the criteria NDE sets for AYP, negative consequences occur.  These criteria include both 95% participation of students in certain groups and percent of students who are proficient.  STARS reporting includes English language arts, math, science, and  social studies.  AYP reporting only includes ELA and math.

Stop/Think/Change Sheet

B.I.S.T. is a school-wide behavior management plan that increases student learning time, stops disruptive/hurtful behavior, and teaches skills that will lead to life success.

The Stop/Think/Change sheet is a form used to help students reflect on how to change their disruptive or hurtful behavior.

Student ID

Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) Regulation 6412.1, requires all high school students to visually display their official LPS student photo identification (ID) cards.

The visibly displayed ID cards will add another dimension of safety and security to help identify
students who are associated with each school. The ID cards are also used as an automated way for students to pay for their school lunches. Additionally, the ID cards will help to build positive relationships between students and staff at larger schools where staff members do not always have the opportunity to know every student’s name.

Students will be required to wear their school ID cards at all times in school. This practice will require that students will have to move their ID cards from their pockets, wallets, or purses, to school issued break-away lanyards worn around their necks. Appropriate adjustments will be made when students are in certain specific courses such as physical education, industrial arts, etc.

If a student forgets to bring the ID card to school, he or she will be given an opportunity to receive a temporary or a permanent ID replacement card. There will be no cost to the students for these initial ID cards and lanyards. Students will be assessed a fee for replacement and temporary
ID cards and/or lanyards.

More information and specific detail regarding LPS Regulation 6412.1 can be requested from your school office, or on the LPS Policies and Regulations page.


StudentServe is a student-led, district-wide initiative committed to instilling civic responsibility and preserving democratic ideology in students by promoting behaviors of good citizenship in their local, national, and global communities.

StudentServe was created with several goals in mind:

1. Inspire younger students with the ideas of volunteerism,

2. Foster leadership skills

3. Help high school students accomplish graduation requirements and provide networking opportunities

4. Create a way for students to easily reach out to the community

Learn more about StudentServe here:

StudentServe 2018


Summative Assessment

(Assessment OF Learning) – Assessments used to determine how much students have learned at a particular point in time in order to report achievement status.


Synergy is the system in which all of LPS’ student information resides. Increasingly, use of Synergy has become more sophisticated and includes the proctoring of assessments, and reporting out on student performance.

Parents interact with Synergy via the ParentVUE interface, and students interact through StudentVUE.

For more information, staff can refer to our Student Learning & Instructional Management (SLIM) page.

Student Learning & Instructional Management (SLIM)

T Street School

  • LOCATION: 9th & T Streets
  • OPERATION: 1881 – 1890

Bancroft was called “T Street School” until 1890.

TAG – Technology Affiliate Group, ESU

TAG is the Technology Affiliate Group within the Nebraska ESU (Educational Service Unit) system.

Across the state, ESU system affiliate groups focusing on specific topics meet a few times a year to discuss alignment and strategy for their respective issues, as well as participating in their own staff development and training. LPS contributes active membership and leadership positions on many of these groups.

TANF – Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

If your household receives benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian reservations (FDPIR) or TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) for your children, your children can get free meals.


Individual questions (or tasks) on an assessment. These terms are generally used interchangeably. Traditionally, the term ‘items’ is used in conduction with paper-and-pencil assessment, whereas the term ‘tasks’ is associated with performance assessment.

TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury

TBI’s can be caused by a variety of factors such as car accidents, blunt trauma, or anything else that impacts the brain’s ability to function. A student can be identified as having a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) by a health professional. TBI can still fall under the Concussion Management Team, but is diagnosed by a physician.

TCA – The Career Academy

The Career Academy (TCA) is a joint venture between Lincoln Public Schools and Southeast Community College. It opened in the fall of 2015 with the goal of providing academic and real world experiences to high school juniors and seniors through high school and dual credit courses in many different career pathways.

Students attend TCA for two hours a day during the regular school year while taking their remaining courses back at their home high school. Transportation in the LPS district is provided, books are free, and tuition is free through scholarships or paid at a 50% discount to the regular SCC credit hour charge.

Expert instructors at TCA stretch the students while over 150 professionals in business and industry provide real world connections. These 150+ professionals serve on pathway support teams that advise, mentor, judge, provide field trips, and sometimes even offer internships for students at TCA.

Upon completing courses at TCA, every student has four options as to the next steps they may take. These outcomes include:

  • Enhanced employment opportunities because of the skills they acquired at TCA
  • Earned or be on the way to earning a certification if the field has one
  • Continue on at SCC or another community college to complete their 2-year degree.
  • Enroll in a four-year college by using those college credits that transfer.


TeamMates matches students with adults, who meet weekly during the school day at the school site. This one-to-one mentoring program helps students reach their potential.

For more information, call 436-1990, email teammates@lps.org or visit http://www.lincolnteammates.org.

The Matrix

The Matrix catalogs the applications, extensions, websites and other digital tools that have already been reviewed by the LPS ITT Committee. It is where staff find information about an Instructional Technology Tool (ITT), what its status in in LPS (approved/denied) and how it should and should not be used (parameters).

Before submitting a tool to be reviewed by the ITT committee, teachers and school leaders are encouraged to review the LPS ITT Matrix.

The Matrix:



The Maintenance Authority (TMA) is the Work Request / Work Order System for Lincoln Public Schools.  You can submit a work request through TMA for any problem from a roof leak to flooring material and a work order will be created.

TMP – Tri-Mentoring Partnership

The Tri-Mentoring Partnership (TMP) is a collaborative initiative partnering TeamMates of Lincoln, Heartland Big Brothers Big Sisters, El Centro de Las Americas, as well as business, faith, non-profit, and post-secondary institutions. The Tri-Mentoring Partnership works towards closing the achievement gap between students of color and their white and Asian counterparts.

  • More applications and more information visit the TMP web page


Used when working with queries in the Data Warehouse to follow (track) available data for a particular group across time.



Trauma-Informed Restorative Practices (TIRP)

Trauma is a person’s response to a real or perceived threat. It can negatively affect the mental, physical, emotional, and behavioral health of individuals, as well as affecting childhood development. It is important to understand that trauma is subjective. Situations that are traumatic for one person may not feel traumatic for someone else.

Trauma informed practices:

  • Understand the role that trauma plays in the lives of those who have experienced it
  • Avoid unintended re-traumatization or the creation of more harm
  • Facilitate empowerment, participation, and decision-making
  • Focus on strengths and resiliency
  • Build security and trust

Trauma capable approaches recognize that unwanted behavior often has underlying causes related to past traumatic experiences. By understanding the root causes of behavior, staff can address these issues more effectively, moving beyond merely managing behaviors to promoting long-term growth by addressing needs. Instead of labeling individuals based on their behaviors, a trauma-informed approach encourages an understanding that behaviors may be adaptive responses to past trauma.

Trauma-informed practices are just part of our multi-tiered system of supports for students in LPS.

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About LPS ‘Pedia

The LPS ‘Pedia is a list of terms, phrases and acronyms used at LPS. In addition, a history of each LPS building is included, as it appeared in the 1999 publication ‘How the Schools Were Named’ by LPS Media Services.

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