
Terms, phrases and acronyms used at LPS

LPS 'Pedia

  1. 0-9
  2. A-D
  3. E-H
  4. I-L
  5. M-P
  6. Q-T
  7. U-X
  8. Y-Z

Early College and Career STEM Program (at Northeast HS)

The Early College and Career STEM Program is a collaborative program between Lincoln Public Schools and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln that began in 2021. The program is housed at Lincoln Northeast High School.

The core of the Early College and Career STEM focus program with Northeast is Food, Energy, Water, and Societal Systems (FEWSS). These concepts are integrated into Northeast’s 9th and 10th grade math and science curriculums.

11th and 12th graders may choose to enroll in early college credit classes and explore non-credit pathways.

FEWSS courses involve a monthly theme tied back to agriculture: Environmental Stewardship, Entrepreneurship Designers, Food System Futurists, Health System Innovators, Community Leaders, and Global Learners. Students experience hands-on immersions, such as working with a UNL faculty member in an area of interest related to FEWSS, or having a work based learning experience.

The program is designed to be affordable and accessible to students and their families. Non-credit experiences will be available to students free-of-charge. Student who opt to take classes for college credit will receive reduced tuition.


Welcome To the Early College and Career STEM Focus Program

Early Intervention

B.I.S.T. is a school-wide behavior management plan that increases student learning time, stops disruptive/hurtful behavior, and teaches skills that will lead to life success.

Early Intervention is when an adult provides one redirection for disruptive behavior.

EAS – Eastridge Elementary

Eastridge opened in 1954 in five houses on Randolph from Lyncrest to Sunrise
which were used for only one year. The school proper was constructed in 1955 and
was named for the area in which it is located. It was renovated in 2007.

ECICC – Early Childhood Interagency Coordinating Council

The Early Childhood Interagency Coordinating Council was created to advise and assist the collaborating agencies in carrying out the provisions of the Early Intervention Act, the Quality Child Care Act, sections 79-1101 to 79-1104, and other early childhood care and education initiatives under state supervision [Section 43-3401, Neb.Rev.Stat.].

The ECICC is also identified by the governor as the State Early Learning Council to meet the federal requirements of the Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act [December 2007, PR110-134].

ECSE – Early Childhood Special Education

Students who are of early childhood age (typically 3-5) who receive supports through the early childhood special education department.

Special Education

ED – Emotional Disturbance

Students who have been identified as having behaviors that impact their learning and the learning of others and receive supports through the special education department.

ED has replaced the term BD (Behavior Disorder).


EdNotes is an electronic newsletter (also available on the web site) about Lincoln Public Schools for District employees. EdNotes features pictures and articles about issues facing the Board of Education, curriculum, instruction, student activities and staff recognition.

EETT – Enhancing Education through Technology State Program

The primary goal of this program is to improve student achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools. Additional goals include helping all students become technologically literate by the end of the eighth grade and, through the integration of technology with both teacher training and curriculum development, establishing research-based instructional methods that can be widely implemented.

ELA – English Language Arts

Instruction in the English Language Arts provides students with essential skills and strategies for personal, educational, workplace, and social situations. In comprehensive English courses, grades 7-10, students receive direct instruction and guided practice to improve their

  • reading skills and strategies,
  • writing and revision skills,
  • oral communication skills when speaking and listening,
  • creative and critical thinking skills,
  • research skills,
  • knowledge of language usage, punctuation, and capitalization conventions.

For more information on the ELA curriculum in LPS visit their web page.

ELL – Elliott Elementary

The school was named for Miss Phoebe Elliott, a member of the Lincoln Board of Education at the time of the construction of the school. She served on the board from 1887 to 1890, and from 1892 to 1894. According to reports by Simon P. Benadom, a pioneer of early Lincoln, Phoebe Elliott was the first teacher of the first school in the county which was located one and a half miles north of Roca in a log house on a sand hill known as the “Old Sand Hill School.”

ELL – English Language Learner Program

English Language Learner (ELL) may refer to any student who speaks a primary language other than English and receives support from an ELL educator.

The LPS ELL Program services assist students with limited English skills to function in the regular English-speaking classroom, to develop proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening in English, and to develop knowledge about the customs and culture of the school, community and nation.

For more information, visit the ELL program web page.


ELMO is the name of the company most commonly associated with document cameras, and has become a the way that many refer to them, regardless of the manufacturer. (Like “Kleenex”, “Xerox”, or “TiVo” in their respective fields.)

Document cameras, also known as “digital overheads”, or “doc-cams”, are basically cameras mounted on arms and pointed down so they can capture images of paper or other objects. In turn, these images are displayed to a large audience using a projector.

Document cameras are typically used in classrooms or science labs and connected to video projectors. They replaced overhead projectors, which were formerly used for this purpose.

ELPA21 (English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century)

All students in grades K-12 in Nebraska who are eligible to receive ELL services participate in the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21). It consists of online tests of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. There is a paper written section for students in Kindergarten and first grade. Students’ scores are used for state and federal reporting and in decisions about continuation of ELL services.

Nebraska is a member of the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century, ELPA21, a group of states that designed and developed an assessment system for English learners. The system is based on the Nebraska ELP Standards and addresses the language demands needed to reach college and career readiness.

For more information about assessments given in LPS, you can reach out to our Assessment and Evaluation department.

Assessment and Evaluation

For more information on the ELPA21 assessment you can visit the Nebraska Department of Education website:

ELPA21 Assessment


Essential Outcome

A ‘big idea’ we want students to carry forward when they have let go of some of the details of their learning. This may be thought of as a ‘linchpin”–something that is essential for students to understand and hold onto in order to connect their learning.

ESU – Educational Service Unit (ESU #18)

You may not realize that LPS is both a school district and the acting State of Nebraska ESU (Educational Service Unit) for the city of Lincoln’s public schools. LPS is also ESU 18, one of a total of 19 ESUs across the state who assist the school districts that fall within their boundaries in mission, vision, guidance, technical services and staff development.

In LPS, our ESU staff focus on evaluation and assessment.

ESUAA – ESU Administrative Affiliate Group

ESUAA is the Administrative Affiliate group within the Nebraska ESU (Educational Service Unit) system.

Across the state, ESU system affiliate groups focusing on specific topics meet a few times a year to discuss alignment and strategy for their respective issues, as well as participating in their own staff development and training. LPS contributes active membership and leadership positions on many of these groups.

ESUPDO – ESU Professional Development Organization

ESUPDO is the Professional Development organization that oversees the affiliate groups within the Nebraska ESU (Educational Service Unit) system.

Across the state, ESU system affiliate groups focusing on specific topics meet a few times a year to discuss alignment and strategy for their respective issues, as well as participating in their own staff development and training. LPS contributes active membership and leadership positions on many of these groups.

ESY – Extended School Year

Extended School Year (ESY) is an option for families who have a child with a special need in which the student can receive support throughout the summer. ESY is determined by the school support team and parents as part of their IEP (Individual Education Plan).


Using data to form conclusions and make judgments. Teachers evaluate when they use data gathered from assessments to grade students. Evaluators use data from multiple assessments to make conclusions about strengths and weaknesses of educational programs.

EVE – Everett Elementary

  • LOCATION: 1123 C St, 68502
  • OPERATION: 1887-Present
    • 1887-1928: Original Building
    • 1928-Present: 2nd Building on same site
  • Web site

Everett was originally called “C Street School.” But in 1890 the Lincoln Board of Education decided to name the school in honor of Edward Everett (1794-1865), an American statesman. Everett at various times was a congressman, senator, governor of Massachusetts, envoy to England, president of Harvard, and an unsuccessful candidate for president of the United States.

Everett (the school) was an elementary school until the new building was opened in 1928 as Lincoln’s third junior high. In the 1991-92 school year Everett was extensively remodeled and converted to elementary use. During this year Everett’s students were housed at nearby Park
School. This was the second time Everett students were moved to Park. In 1928, during the construction of the new building, Everett classes also were held at Park.

ExCITE – Early Childhood Infant Toddler Educare

The ExCITE program is inclusive of these preschool services:

  • Head Start for children ages three and four
  • Title I Preschool for children ages three and four
  • LB759 State Funding for children birth to age five
  • Even Start for adults with literacy needs and children below age eight
  • Student Child Learning Centers for infants and toddlers in selected secondary buildings where parent[s] are enrolled.

FAPE – Free and Appropriate Education

“Free and Appropriate Education” (FAPE) is an educational right guaranteed by Federal law.

Students with disabilities have the same right to K-12 public education that students without disabilities have. In order to receive and benefit from that education, students with disabilities may need special education and/or related aids and services. A free and appropriate public education (FAPE) is available to all qualified students of school age with disabilities, regardless of the nature or severity of their disabilities.

Public schools are required to provide appropriate education and modifications, aids and related services free of charge to students with disabilities and their parents or guardians. The “appropriate” component means that this education must be designed to meet the individual educational needs of the student as determined through appropriate evaluation and placement procedures. However, students with disabilities must be educated with students without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate.



FBA – Functional Behavior Assessment

Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is a process that identifies specific target behavior, the purpose of the behavior, and what factors maintain the behavior that is interfering with the student’s educational progress. It is usually completed by a School Psychologist.


FBLA – Future Business Leaders of America

FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) is the largest student organization in the United States.

FCCLA – Family, Career and Community Leaders of America

Remember FHA – Future Homemakers of America?

In 1999 the official name of this organization was changed to FCCLA – Family, Career and Community Leaders of America to better represent what FCCLA members accomplish in life.

FDPIR – Food Distribution Program on Indian reservations

If your household receives benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian reservations (FDPIR) or TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) for your children, your children can get free meals.

FERPA – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request for access.

    Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal (or appropriate school official) a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading.

    Parents or eligible students may ask the School District to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.

    If the District decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the District will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.

  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

    One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

    A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

    Upon request, the District discloses education records without consent to officials of another School District in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

    The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605

Fitness Reporting

LPS PE teachers have been using the PACER assessment for many years (not sure when this assessment began in LPS). Starting with the 2013-14 school year, the Assessment/Evaluation department partnered with the Curriculum Department to collect PACER results from PE teachers and report school and district-wide results on the PACER assessment. This reporting started with static reports stored in Docushare and evolved into custom Synergy reports.

FM – Facilities and Maintenance

The role of the Facilities and Maintenance Departments is to support the students and staff by providing an enabling, safe, and operationally functional educational environment while protecting the community’s investment in facilities and equipment.

FMLA – Family Medical Leave Act

The FMLA entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave.


Forced App

Instructional Technology Tools AUTOMATICALLY installed on student Chromebooks (and in Chrome browser if logged into the Chrome browser), must also be whitelisted.

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is a process involving at least two steps:

  1. Step one involves gathering information about student learning from dialog, demonstrations, assignments, and/or observations.
  2. Step two involves teachers and students USING the gathered information in ways that enhance ongoing learning.


The Foundation for Lincoln Public Schools was founded in 1989 as an independent organization to seek resources beyond tax-supported funding to enhance public education, to recognize excellence in education, and to reinforce positive relationships with the community. The Foundation provides the opportunity for individuals and corporations to give private funds with confidence to Lincoln Public Schools.

The Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a staff and structure separate from the school district itself. While the Foundation is a separate organization, their sole mission is to support the educational purposes of the Lincoln Public Schools.

The Foundation’s board of directors consists of 22-30 individuals. The directors represent each of the following groups:

  • Members of the LPS Board of Education
  • Superintendent of schools (nonvoting member)
  • 2 LPS teachers
  • LEA representation
  • 16-24 community representatives

FRE – Fredstrom Elementary

This school, built in the Highlands addition, is named for Rudolph L. Fredstrom (1910-1997), a longtime Lincoln Public Schools administrator. Dr. Fredstrom had been the dean of education and teacher training at Nebraska Wesleyan University before he joined LPS in 1951 as assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction. In 1970 he became administrative assistant for student services, a post he held until his retirement in 1975.

FSA – Flexible Spending Account

A FSA (Flexible Spending Account) allows you to set aside money for healthcare and/or dependent day care expenses on a pre-tax basis. As you incur expenses in these areas throughout the year, you turn in claims for the expenses and are reimbursed with tax-free dollars from your FSA account.

FTE – Full Time Equivalency

Full-time equivalent (FTE) is a way to measure a worker’s involvement at an educational institution. An FTE of 1.0 means that the person is equivalent to a full-time worker, while an FTE of 0.5 signals that the worker is only half-time.

Definition via wikipedia


Fund-A-Need is an award winning online program at www.foundationforlps.org designed to help students and staff in Lincoln Public Schools. The program allows teachers and schools the avenue to post innovative educational ideas and classroom needs as a “proposal” for the community to view. The proposed educational experiences are outside of standard budgeting and would not be available for students without community financial support.

Proposals are approved by principals, submitted to the Foundation, and posted online. Donors may choose from the online list and make a tax-deductible donation to fund these classroom needs. Individuals who support a proposal will receive information about the activity from the teacher
and students touched by the gift, and a receipt from the Foundation as a record for the IRS.

Gale Collection (Periodical Databases)

Gale’s suite of electronic databases offer LPS students and staff access to thousands of reference sources, magazines, academic journals and other periodicals across subject areas and age levels, including read aloud and translation features.

For more information and the passwords and links needed to access Gale’s resources, visit the LPS Digital Content Resources page. (LPS login required)

Garfield School District No. 113

  • LOCATION: 2242 W. Q Street
  • IN OPERATION: 1957-1963

School District No. 113, Garfield, was annexed by Lincoln in 1957 after a lengthy dispute which centered around the large number of trailer courts and the lack of city utilities in the area. After much debate Garfield was annexed. But it was only to last six more years when its students were transferred to Lakeview. The original frame building for the Garfield school still exists today in run-down condition and can be seen from Hwy. 77.

Garfield was named after America’s twentieth president, James A. Garfield (1831-1881), who was assassinated shortly after taking office.

GDE – Graduation Demonstration Exams

All LPS students are required to pass graduation demonstrations in reading, math, and writing in order to graduate. Graduation demonstrations are evidence that a student has reached an expected high school level of achievement prior to graduation. Options for students in each subject area include passing a graduation demonstration examination, reaching predetermined scores on other tests, or completing coursework.

Students in the special education program should participate according to their IEPs.

GED – General Education Development Test

GED (General Education Development) Tests measure high school-level skills and knowledge. A GED credential offers adults a powerful second chance at attending college or pursuing a career.

Gifted Program

The Lincoln Board of Education recognizes that the student population includes students with exceptional academic abilities. The students have a need for educational services which are consistent with their ability levels and learning characteristics. Lincoln Public Schools will make available to those students learning opportunities which will help them to:

  • develop high levels of knowledge and skills in their areas of competence at rates of learning suited to their abilities
  • develop attitudes and skills needed for in-depth study and self-directed learning
  • learn from and interact with others of similar abilities
  • develop both leadership and support role skills and attitudes
  • understand and use their abilities

Students in the LPS gifted program usually demonstrate several of the following learning characteristics:

  1. Extraordinary quantity of information
  2. Advanced comprehension
  3. High level of verbal ability
  4. Ability to think in abstract terms
  5. Ability to form concepts
  6. Keen sense of humor
  7. A sense of justice
  8. High achievement
  9. Outstanding products
  10. High past performance

Students may be identified as eligible for the gifted program by scoring in the upper two percent on an academic aptitude test or by the data gathering process. Parents who think their child may be a candidate for the gifted program may notify the school building facilitator or principal that they would like their child to be considered for further evaluation.

Global Youth Radio

Global Youth Radio is a school-community partnership project between Lincoln Public Schools and KZUM 89.3FM Community Radio in which English language learners in LPS classrooms create programming that is played on the radio.

GOO – Goodrich Middle School

Thomas V. Goodrich, the namesake of this junior high/middle school, taught history at Lincoln High School from 1913 until 1917 when he became “Supervisor of Boy’s Vocational Guidance.” In 1920 Mr. Goodrich was appointed “Director of Measurement and Research” in the Lincoln Public Schools central administration, a position he held until his retirement in 1947.

In 1917 Mr. Goodrich married the principal of Everett, Miss Emma Morrell, who continued in that position until her resignation in 1936.

When the name of the new junior high in Belmont was to be chosen, it was suggested that the school be named for both Thomas and Emma Goodrich, however, the Lincoln Board of Education decided to name the school for Mr. Goodrich only.

Goodrich Middle School temporarily became “Goodrich at Dawes Middle School” for the 2009 – 2010 & 2010 – 2011 school years while it was located in the Dawes building.

HAR – Hartley Elementary

Hartley School was named for Ellis T. Hartley, superintendent of Lincoln Public Schools from 1883-1890. Mr. Hartley was born in Ohio in 1848 and started his education career in that state. After serving as superintendent of schools in an Ohio town, he and Mrs. Hartley moved to Lincoln.

During Mr. Hartley’s work with LPS, he acquired a large tract north of Superior Street and west of 7th Street adjacent to a planned suburban development called Grandview. In 1890 Mr. Hartley resigned his LPS position and devoted himself to developing a large fruit orchard on his tract, which was surprisingly successful. Mr. Hartley died in 1914 and the orchard faded away since no one was interested in continuing it.

Mr. Hartley is buried in Wyuka Cemetery. His grave marker is a huge, rough boulder with the name Hartley carved in it. You can’t miss it.

Havelock Schools

Havelock High School

  • LOCATION: 6224 Logan Avenue
  • IN OPERATION: 1930·1940

Havelock Central Elementary School

  • LOCATION: 62nd & Morrill Streets
  • IN OPERATION: 1930·1979

The city of Havelock was annexed by Lincoln in 1930. Two small ward schools were closed upon annexation but Havelock High (including junior high) and Havelock Central Elementary School continued to operate.

In 1940 Havelock High was closed due to the opening of Northeast High. The junior high unit went on until 1953 when it was discontinued. For the remaining years of its life,
Havelock survived as an elementary school, which, in 1979, also came to an end.

Havelock’s buildings date from 1917 but were well maintained through the years. The High School serves as the Goodyear Recreation Center and a preschool occupies the elementary building.

HAW – Hawthorne Building

  • LOCATION: 48 & O Streets
    • 1913-1927: Building of frame construction
    • 1927-Present: Current brick building
    • 1952: Additions made to expand the building
    • 2011: Internal renovations
  • IN OPERATION: 1913-Present

Some former Hawthorne students before the old Hawthorne school was torn down in the 1950s. (Courtesy photo)

The now intersection of 48th & O Streets in central Lincoln was originally the home of the “Jordan Mixed School” from 1889-1892.

Later, Hawthorne Elementary School was in session at the location from 1913-2008. The original Hawthorne Elementary was a four-room, wood framed stucco building on the southwest corner of 48th and O streets, approximately where PetCo stands today. There were two rooms used as classrooms, and the other two rooms could be opened into a larger space for performances. The attic of the building was large enough to be able to hold “manual training” and “domestic science” classes. The school was named for Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864), an American novelist and diplomat. It was served by three teachers and principal A.E. McCrystal.

Upon construction of the current brick building the stucco building became a church. Later, Nesbitt Bottling Co. took over that building and painted it orange. In the 1950s, it was torn down.

The West face of the Hawthorne building which opened in 1927.

The current two-story brick and stone Hawthorne building was designed by Lincoln architects Davis and Wilson in a Colonial-Revival style. It opened in 1927.

The LPS Board of Education closed Hawthorne Elementary in 2008. Students living in the Hawthorne district were assigned either to Randolph or Eastridge elementary schools.

Since a renovation in 2011 the Hawthorne building has been the home of the Bryan Community Focus Program, as well as the LPS Special Education and Early Childhood Programs.


Hayward building

  • LOCATION: 1215 N. 9th Street
    • 1902-1968:Hayward School
    • 1968-1971: Head Start and Follow-Through School
    • 1971-1981: Hayward Trainable School

This school was named for Monroe Leland Hayward, a prominent Nebraska City lawyer, farmer and stock raiser. Mr. Hayward became a U.S. senator in 1899 and died the

same year.

Hayward replaced the Z Street School and was built in the same location. (In 1942 the name of Z Street was changed to Charleston.)

In 1968 Hayward became the school district’s Head Start and Follow-Through School. In 1971 Hayward was designated “Hayward Trainable School” and became the location for TOP (Training for Educational Proficiency).

The school was closed in 1981 and sold to a private developer who remodeled it into thirty-nine condominiums.

Health Education

Health education is designed to help students learn how their bodies function, what affects their bodies and how to make positive choices related to their health. For more information, visit the health curriculum web page.

Health Screening

Nebraska statute requires school-age health screening.

Children in preschool and kindergarten through third grade, sixth and ninth grade are screened for vision, hearing, dental defects, height and weight. The screening program also incorporates blood pressure and scoliosis (spinal curvature) screening at the sixth and eighth grades.

Students entering the Student Assistance Process at any grade level, and those about whom health concerns are identified to the school nurse, may also be screened.

Parents are notified of any health concerns as they are identified. Parents who do not wish their child to participate in the school health screening program must provide screening results from a medical provider, dated no earlier than May 1 of the current calendar year, by December 1.

Help Desk (x1735)

LPS maintains a Help Desk staffed with some of the kindest, most technologically adept people you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Whether you have a general “How do I?” question or a problem related to your LPS computer system, these are the folks to call. They can probably answer your question, and if they can’t, they know who you should talk to within LPS to get an answer.

The LPS Helpdesk is available Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7am and 5pm.  Summer Hours 7:00am to 4:00pm.

  • PHONE: 436-1735 (or extension 1735 from any LPS phone.)


Tech Support

Help Tickets (IIQ)

LPS staff should report technical support issues via “help tickets.” These tickets alert Computing Services staff so that they can respond to the needs in-person or via remote support.

To file a ticket or find more support information, visit LPS.org keyword: HELP


Tech Support

HI – Hearing Impairment

Students who have impaired hearing and may or may not receive supports through special education.

HIL – Hill Elementary

Hill was named for Ruth Davis (Mrs. Roscoe S.) Hill (1907- 1996). Mrs. Hill served on the Lincoln Board of Education from 1946 until 1963 (a total of 17 years). Mrs. Hill, along with her husband, founded Hill Hatchery during the depression and developed it into a successful business. After her retirement Mrs. Hill moved to Arizona. Whenever she returned to Lincoln for a visit she always took time to call on the school that had been named for her.

Hill Elementary was built using the open classroom concept design with few walls.

HOL – Holmes Elementary

Holmes School opened in 1937 with only three teachers. George W. Holmes, president of the First National Bank, donated the land for the school with the stipulation that the school be named for his mother, Emma H. Holmes, an early settler. The school occupies the place where his childhood farmhouse and barn once stood.

A building renovation took place during the 2008-2009 school year.

HUM – Humann Elementary

This school was named for Julius A. Humann who taught math, science, music and biology at College View High School from 1929 until 1941 when he joined the staff at Northeast High School. There he taught English and American literature until 1945 when he became assistant principal and director of counseling. In 1952 Mr. Humann moved to the central school administration as “Director of Guidance, Pupil Accounting, Research, and Special Education.” He retired in 1968 and died in 1984 at the age of 81.

HUN – Huntington Elementary

This educational complex included both Jackson High and Huntington School. These buildings were built in 1912 and 1926, and were annexed as part of the University Place Public Schools in 1927. In 1941 Jackson High was folded into the newly built Northeast High School, but the elementary unit – Huntington – continued in the same location. The original building was razed in 1998 and a new building was opened in 1999.

The school was named for Dr. D.W.C. Huntington, the third chancellor of Nebraska Wesleyan University. Dr. Huntington had been the pastor of Trinity Methodist Church in Lincoln when he accepted the academic position in 1898. He guided NWU through the first decade of the century.

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About LPS ‘Pedia

The LPS ‘Pedia is a list of terms, phrases and acronyms used at LPS. In addition, a history of each LPS building is included, as it appeared in the 1999 publication ‘How the Schools Were Named’ by LPS Media Services.

If you have a suggested entry, please fill out this form.