Homework Blog

Unit 5/6: The Great Depression and The New Deal

Multiple Choice: Black Tuesday (Stock Market Crash), Causes of Depression, Bank Closings, Presidents, Effects on African Americans, 1932 Election, New Deal, Charity, CCC, Legacies of the New Deal

Matching: ALL New Deal Programs. This will be the HARDEST part of the exam!!!

Primary Documents: Dust Bowl, Huey Long

3 Questions

True/False: 3 Questions

Unit 4: The 1920’s (TEST REVIEW)

Multiple Choice: Women’s Roles, Communism (Red Scare), Race Riots, Great Migration, 1920s Economy, Economic Growth, Demographic changes, Mass Media growth, The Jazz Age, Harlem Renaissance, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Prohibition, Bootleggers, Fundamentalism, Speakeasies, Scopes Trial, 18th Amendment, The Automobile and its effect on the economy, Bypassed by the Boom, Economic Danger Signs

Primary Documents: 2 quotes and 2 images to analyze

Topics: Business Growth & Republican Presidents Philosophy, Prohibition & Reasons for it, The KKK, Fundamentalism & Scopes Trial

Portfolio: Due on Wednesday # 39-47

Unit 3: Imperialism/WWI (TEST REVIEW)

Multiple Choice: Define imperialism, Panamanian rebellion, Dollar Diplomacy, Causes of Spanish-American War, Open Door Policy, Platt Amendment, Sides of WWI (Central Powers & Allies), Lusitania, Trench Warfare (stalemate), Wilson’s Fourteen Points, Causes of WWI, Treaty of Versailles, U.S. on the home front,

Fill-in-the-blank: Woodrow Wilson, Countries created by Treaty of Versailles (name one), U-boats, no-man’s land, Woodrow Wilson (again), War Bonds, Panama Canal, Jingoism, Selective Service Act (Draft), Fourteen Points, Arthur Zimmerman, Stroke, Convoy System, Schleiffen Plan

Reading Like an Historian Skills: There will be two questions, similar to last exam that will ask you to read a short document or analyze a picture and answer questions regarding those primary documents. Subjects are yet to be determined.

Portfolio: You will need to study # 28-38 for the exam and they are due on Thursday. Also Thursday, I will grade ALL 1st quarter portfolio pages #1-37 ( 114 pts) for a SUMMATIVE grade. Any page that was not completed satisfactorily can be re-done for full credit.

UNIT 2 EXAM REVIEW: Progressive Era
The following Individuals will be MATCHING terms on the Exam. You will need to match the individual with one of their contributions to the Progressive Movement

William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Henry George, Upton Sinclair, Florence Kelley, Susan B. Anthony, Louis Brandeis, Lincoln Steffens, Alice Paul, Theodore Roosevelt, Robert LaFollette, Ida Tarbell

The following topics will be included in the MULTIPLE CHOICE portion of the exam.

Progressive Era Goals, 19th Amendment, Injunctions, Roots of Reform, Theodore Roosevelt (environmentalist & trusts busted), Similarities of the Progressive Presidents, Disasters that lead to change, Supporters of Progressivism, Women’s Suffrage Leaders, States that allowed Women’s Suffrage, 16th Amendment.

Last, there will be 3 questions that include Primary Documents. The topics will include Women’s Suffrage, Jacob Riis (another Muckraker), and the relationship between Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft.

You will turn in your portfolio again on test day.

UNIT 1 EXAM REVIEW: Emergence of Big Business
The following terms will be IDENTIFICATION terms on the exam. You will need to write a paragraph describing them and how they relate to our studies in class. More specifically your paragraph should cover the 5 W’s (Who, What, When, Where, Why) of the event/term.

Haymarket Riots, Homestead Strike, Pullman Strike, Vertical & Horizontal Consolidation, Robber Barons/Captains of Industry

Essay Question: The Essential Question of the unit will be the essay question.
How did the emergence of big business after the U.S. Civil War advance life for the American people while at the same time create conflict for the American people? (see portfolio 7)

The following terms individuals will be a part of a matching portion on the exam:

John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, Thomas Edison, Samuel Morse, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Frick, Edwin Drake

The following concepts will be a part of the multiple choice questions:
Effect of electricity on business and daily life, Social Darwinism, Effects of big business, John Rockefeller, vertical integration (consolidation), Bessemer Process, Labor Union tactics, response to labor unions, methods to establishing big businesses

Book Ch 6 AND Ch 8 Sec 2 & 3
STUDY: Portfolio pages 7-16

REMEMBER: Portfolios are due FRIDAY as well (#1-16)

Complete the Industrialization/Workers/Challenge of the Cities Worksheet for Monday 8/31. Completion grade given on Monday.

Book Cover for the textbook. Due Friday, August 21

Letter to Mr. Craft. 1 pg. letter about yourself. Due Tuesday, Aug 18