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Monday, May 2, 2016

Spanish 2

1) We reviewed 5.2 vocabulary with written and listening activities.

2) We learned how to use certain positive and negative words. See p. 283 in your book.

**Also, take copies of the 1/2-sheet of information (goldenrod) and the 1/2-sheet of practice (white) from the left, front folder. You do not have to to the 1/2-sheet of practice (Prueba 1), but I encourage you to complete it and have me check your answers.**

3) Students had time to finish writing their paella recipes.

4) La tarea – a worksheet to practice positive and negative words.

**Take a copy from the left, front folder.**

Español 3-4 Combinado

1) Marqué crédito para la tarea – la hoja de práctica con el presente y el imperfecto del subjuntivo.

**Pon tus respuestas en la caja de “Tarea aquí”.**

2) Los estudiantes trabajaron en su capítulo de Don Quijote.

**Habla con tu compañero para ver qué tienes que hacer.**

Posted in Assignments.