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Homework and Daily Work 3

In this place you will find a weekly description of what we did in the classroom and your homework assignments.  Scroll down to see the entire week, and previous weeks’ lessons.

3-6 de septiembre, 2013:  Computer Lab to practice with  Reflexive verbs and pages 16-19.  Reading page 2-3.  Writing your own blog and talking about your daily routine.  Culture is Salvador Dalí page 15.

26-30 de agosto, 2013:  Review of the stem changing verbs.  Talk about what you can do, want to do and have to do.  Complete the dialog.  Pages 9-11 in the textbook sections 6,8,9,10, and Para y Piensa.  Chalkboard relay.   Take the verb quiz on Friday.

19-23 de agosto, 2013:  Review of the irregular verbs in the present tense.  pages 5-9 in the textbook.  Complete the verb booklet.  Share with partners about your interests outside of school.

13-16 de agosto, 2013:  Introductions and questioning skills are reviewed.  Virginia Reel (Baile Monterrey) and 3-2-1 activities.  The classroom expectations shared and parent signatures requested.

13-17 de mayo, 2013:  Most of this week is for annual review of the material.

6-10 de mayo, 2013:  Cinco de Mayo mini-lesson.  Subjunctive with recommentations and wishes.  Blue  subjunctive packet.  Pink Subjunctive Packet and Dice Game practice using the subjunctive with recommendations and wishes.  Friday is a quiz on the Subjunctive.  And a football review game.  Write questions for an end of the year game next week.

29 de abril – 3 de mayo:  Unidad 4_1 Vocabulary professions and personal characteristics.  Survey, Resumé of 10 sentences, green vocab list and gold worksheet Vocab B & C.  Vocabulary Scrabble, and vocabulary quiz on Friday.

22-26 de abril 2013:  Monday we wrote article reviews from the Ahora and El Sol magazines.  Tuesday is ACT for Juniors.  Wednesday we will read aloud the reviews.  Thursday is la Tristeza de la Maya story from page 194-197.  Thursday and Friday begin the Unit 4, Lesson 1 pages 208 and 212.

15-19 de abril 2013:  Monday we followed up on the Present progressive essays.  We worked on the yellow subjunctive packet. Later in the week :  Chalkboard Relay for the forms of the Subjunctive, Sentence Snips with the vocabulary and grammar combined, situations in groups with a PowerPoint of situations that need advice using the subjunctive.  Review on Thursday and Test over 3_2 on Friday.

8-12 de abril 2013:  Monday we take a Culture quiz.  The Subjunctive Mood is introduced this week and the forms are put into the verb booklets.   We continue with the Subjunctive Mood.  Listening activities A & C practice the vocabulary and a yellow subjunctive packet practices the grammar points.  Thursday we reviewed the present progressive and wrote a 15-20 line essay about what you are doing to improve the environment.

2-5 de abril 2013:  Culture of Centro América:  pages 148-149,156.164.168,  172, 184, 190, 194  Read and translate.  Answer a culture worksheet and take notes in class discussion.

25-29 de marzo 2013:  New vocabulary on page 199, unidad 3 lección 2.  identify false cognates.  Read and listen to pages 178-179.  page 180 #1-2 and #3 is to create a product to market. (Thursday)  Complete the worksheet over the vocabulary 3_2 on Wednesday.  Matamoscas  Vocab quiz 3_2  See Below.    Uses false cognates, quesetions from tarea and Loteria  No school on Friday or Monday.

18-22 de marzo 2013:  List of Important verbs:  write the English meaning for the verbs.  We played a game with this!  On Tuesday we listened again to the Maná song, and saw a PowerPoint on an artist from Querétaro, México.  Se llama Víctor Cauduro Rojas painted “el Optimisto” and “el Pésimisto”.  Tarea:  Write a 15-20 line report about whether you agree with Maná’s song or you have a more optimistic viewpoint about the future.  Add what you will do in the future to improve our planet.  We used QUestion Dice to create 10 questions to ask your partner, and compiled 5 questions from each partner group to ask as game questions for Friday.  Thursday was a work day to use the dictionaries to finish up the essays and verb pages.  Friday is a game day with the questions posed by our classmates!

11-15 de marzo:  Spring Break

4-8 de marzo 2013:  Listening Activity 3_2 A & C, PowerPOint on Por y Para, Jeopardy Game to review for the unit 3_1 test on Wednesday.  Thursday and Friday a cloze text activity on the Maná song, ¿Dónde Jugarán los Niños?

25 de febrero – 1 Marzo:  On Monday we create dialogs to present to the class.  Use the Future tense.  There will be a Future Tense quiz on Wednesday.  Tuesday begins the lesson on Por and Para.  Wednesday – Friday we practice the por and para grammar point and do interactive activities.  Next week is the Unit 3 lesson 1 test.

18-22 de febrero 2013:  Continue with the Future Tense this week.   Using page 173 complete the ivory packet on the Grammar.  Finish a Warm-Up activity.  On Wednesday we will practice with White Boards by creating scenarios for speaking opportunities.  Then on Thursday and Friday there were snow days.

11-15 de febrero 2013:  Examencito D  and E on Tuesday.  We begin the lesson on the Future Tense.  Write the tenses in the verb booklet.  Tarea:  Page 158-159 # 7,8, &9 due on Wednesday.  Conversations using this homework page on Wednesday.  Matamoscas and practice with the Future Tense later in the week.  Valentine’s Day was Thursday, language practice.

4 de febrero – 8 de febrero:  Unidad 3 lección 1 Introducción de la selva de Costa Rica.  Repetimos el vocabulario página 173. Complete the worksheet of vocab and write 15 definitons of vocabulary words for an activity tomorrow.  Presentacieon del Vocabulary, pages 152-153  Discussion of environmental issues.  Take quizzes A,B,C.  Page 155 read Informe Escolar. answer #4  Do the Warm Up on page 155 Transparency 16.  ON Manila paper complete the Estrategia de Leer from page 155 dividing the paper in thirds.  Explain why these problems are important.    Illustrate the three problems.  Use vocabulary in your writing.    Monday is QUIZ D  :  Reutilizar – reemplazar

28 de enero – 1 de febrero:  Partner activty to practice the object pronouns begins the week.  The unidad 2_2 test will be later in the week.  Snow Day on Wednesday!   Impersonal expressions take notes from page 128.

21-25 de enero 2013:  Monday there is no school.  On Tuesday we continue to take notes on the object pronouns.  We will complete a pink packet to practice connecting pronouns to commands.  We had some speaking activites and white board practice.

14-18 de enero 2013:  On Monday we went over the vocabulary pages in the textbook, pages 116-119 and completed the activities on page120 1&2.  We played Matamoscas on Tuesday and took a vocabulary quiz.  Wednesday will be a day to learn about the Teletón USA.  Complete the reading assignment.  Thursday and Friday is for grammar, using object pronouns with commands.  Thursday review the command forms, and write them in our verb booklets.  Friday finish writing, and introduce the object commands, taking notes, oral practice and a practice sheet.

7-11 de enero 2013:  The class completed an introduction of yourself following the green rubric.  We read the introductions in class on Wednesday.  We rounded out the week by learning new vocabulary from Unidad 2 Lección 2.  Fill out the vocabulary sheet using page 139 for help.  Also on the back of the sheet, write descriptions of 15 vocabulary words in Spanish.

17-21 de diciembre:  Two review days to study for the Semester Final Exam.  Following the schedule for testing days.

10 -14 de diciembre:  We practice with the vocabulary with a warm up and a Listening ActivityA.  Worksheets:  Yellow Informal Commands/Ivory Other Commands.  Complete in class and as homework.  Project:  Poster for a public service project.  see the rubric for details.  Computer Lab on Friday to review for the Semester Final Exam.

3-7 de diciembre:   Monday we will write nature poems and play Simon Dice on Tuesday.  We will introduce the new chapter vocabulary from Unidad 2 Lección 1.  Read and translate page 92-93.  Answer the Vocabulary packet A &B.  Friday we will continue to take speaking points for the writing sections of the packet and play Matamoscas.  All papers are returned.

26-30 de noviembre:  Monday we began the lesson on informal Tú Commands.  See page 97 for help.  Tuesday we went to the computer lab to practice with and complete a survey.  Wednesday we used our Verb Booklets to write the informal commands and get speaking points for using them.   On Thursday we Read poetry by Octavio Paz pages 48-51 and complete a graphic organizer.  Homework will be to complete a worksheet about the 2 poems.  Friday we finish the poetry unit with a worksheet due on Tuesday and play Simon Says with the commands that everyone wrote on Wednesday!

19-21 de noviembre:  Monday we fiinished the skits and some classes went to the assembly.   Tuesday we played Family Feud to reveiw for the unit test.  Wednesday we took the test over the Unit 1 Lesson 2.  Please make this up on Monday or Wedesday next week.  No school on Thursday or Friday.

12-16 de noviembre:  Take notes on the Venn Diagram over the differences between the Imperfect and Preterite tenses, and when to use both in the same sentence.  Discuss the words cuando and mientras.  Tuesday homework is a gold packet on using both tenses in one sentence.  Wednesday we translate a story about a crime and witnesses, then Thursday we will work on skits to present on MONDAY.  See the rubric.  The unit test will be on Wednesday  Nov 21.

5 de noviembre – 9 de noviembre:  Return papers and go over them in class.  Continue with the imperfect tense in Warm up practice and assignments.  Interactive conversation with partners from the assignment on 15 questions to ask your partner about their childhood.  There was also Listening practice on Wednesday and Reading/Writing practice on Thursday with a blue paper.  The quiz on the Imperfect tense was Friday the ninth of November.

29 de octubre – 2 de noviembre:  Monday we read about Mexico on pages 28-31 and answer a study guide about the information.  Tuesday we went over the sub’s notes and played Matamoscas to review for the quiz.  Wednesday we take a quiz over the family vocabulary.   Then we begin the lesson on the imperfect tense page 63 and answer a pink packet on the Imperfect tense.  Be sure to write in your Libreta de Verbos!  We also saw a video on Southern Mexico and wrote 15 interesting facts about Southern Mexico.


22-26 de octubre 2012:  Monday we completed a study guide for Unit one Leccion 2.  Pages 56-79.  Tuesday, using page 79, we made flashcards of the new vocabulary.  Make your flash cards of just the words you don’t know already.  On Wednesday we go over the Presentación de Vocabulario pages 58-59 Read and Translate.  Then answer the vocabulary page.  Thursday we completed a green worksheet in class, vocabulario A&B.  Friday we will focus in on family vocabulary.  Study the vocab page 79 for a quiz next week.

17-19 de octubre:  Wednesday we look at the culture pages 38&44.  Write a post card from one of these places based on the rubric and hints page 47 #20.  Thursday we review for the test and on Friday we take the Unit One, Leccion 1 test.

8-12 de octubre:  This week we learn about the Irregular Preterite verbs and write the in our verb booklets.   We will be practicing with these verbs with activities from the textbook, and with a yellow practice packet.  There are two Listening activities, and several Speaking activities that go with this unit.   There will be questions to answer about a trip that you have taken in the past, and a campfire conversation about those questions.  Thursday we read pages 35 and 40 and answered # 10 page 41.  Friday is an open verb booklet quiz on the preterite tense.  Remember to study the car -gar -zar verbs, regular and irregular preterites.

1-5 de octubre:  We begin the review of the Preterite tense with our Libreta de Verbos.   Copy the new information into your booklet.  The information is found on page 37 and my transparencies.  On Tuesday we will learn about the -car, -gar, -zar verbs.  We will also play a Tic Tac Toe game called, el Gato.  During the week we will complete a Regular Preterite Verb packet (pink) and Read from the textbook.

24 -28 de septiembre:   Unidad Uno Lección Uno  vocabulario bulletin board.  Begin to study the vocabulario page 53.  Complete the vocabulary packet 1_1.  Introducción del Vocabulario page 32-33 and answer page 34 1,2, and Para y Piensa.  Study the vocabulary using Ocho Columnas.

17-21 de septiembre:.  Preliminary Unit test is Wednesday.  On Monday and Tuesday, we went over the homework assignments and did practice activities with partners and alone.   On Thursday and Friday we used a graphic organizer to unpack the Unit 1_1 .

10-14 de septiembre:   The differences between Estar/Ser and Saber/Conocer  page 14-15 Activities 11&13.  Also places and people.  Read pages 12-13 for understanding.  Note vocabulary page 25.  Page 16-17 Mi rutina diaria  on reflexive verbs.  Answer pages 18-19 # 16-18.  Write a 10 sentence paragraph about your own daily routine.  Practice Stem changing verbs with chalkboard relay and green worksheet.  The test on Friday will be over all verb conjugations including stem changing verb e>ie, o>ue, and e>i  also verbs like encantar/gustar,  choosing the correct verb ser/estar and saber/conocer and conjugating them correctly.  There will be an essay using reflexive verbs to write about your daily routine.

4-7 de septiembre:  Warm-up transparency 23.  Stem changing verbs in the textbook pages 10-11.  Write these in your verb booklet.  With partners, do activity 9 on page 11.    Use the verb booklet to complete page 10 &11 #8 and #10 and Para y Piensa. (3 sections).   Page 12 ¿Lo conoces?  Read along with the CD and translate as a class.  Note the new vocabulary and the way that the verbs are used.  Using  pages 10-11, write the verbs in your verb booklet up to page 7.  We did speaking practice for points, about what we can do, and want to do. Then answer pages 8-10 activity numbers 5,6,8,and 10.  There is a verb quiz on Friday over the verbs like gustar and other verbs in the preliminary chapter.  On Thursday/Friday we will practice.   Please be sure that all homework is turned in!  The preliminary chapter test will be next week.  Be studying the vocabulary on page 25.

27 – 31 de agosto: Page 2-3 Blog de Lucia  Worksheet Grupos de Aprendizaje complete the answers using pages 2 &3 and then write a Blog in response to Lucia’s blog.  Grammar:  interesar and other verbs. Then pages 6-7 translate and do a speaking activity with Sra. Texley.  Matamoscas to review vocabulary.  Friday we put together verb booklets and review irregular verbs and stem changing verbs.  Answer pages 8-10 activities 5,6 8. We played the Dice Game to review ser/estar and the “go” verbs.

semana del 20- 24 de agosto :   el 20 de agosto  el lunes:  Monday is Parent Night!   In class, finish illustrating your paper and present.  Be sure to include examples of:  ir + a + infinitive and gustar.  martes: Classroom Expectations were discussed.    Lesson on the Preliminary Chapter, Answering questions about yourself and writing in complete sentences in good grammar.Handout the textbook, Avancemos 3.  Cover the book!  Introduction to the textbook with a list of verbs to use as a mini-diccionario.  There will be a quiz on Friday over the questions that you answered in class over the past 2 days.  New information: review how to use gustar on page 4, including the vosotros forms.   On Friday we did the reading on Pages 2 &3 and went over the vew vocabulary.

el 17 de agosto  el viernes:  Using the vocabulary sheet that you created yesterday; Write a paper entitled, ¿Quién Soy?.  Include your personality and physical characteristics, What you enjoy doing, What you are going to do in the future, (ir + a + infinitive) and your life’s dream (el sueño de mi vida).  We will illustrate and present on Friday.

el 16 de agosto  el  jueves:  Vocabulario Review.  Los colores, los deportes, los animales, la comida, las bebidas y los verbos de acción( ar, er, and ir verbs review).

El 15 de agosto  miércoles:  Introducciones a nuestros compañeros y grupos pequeños de la clase.  Vocabulario Review.  Learning Styles Interview.   Fill out the form about your preferences in the way you like to learn.   This activity helped to learn procedures for group work activities.

El 14 de agosto  Bienvenidos a nuestros alumnos del noveno grado.