Weekly Update Nov 9th


We started Chapter 8 – Understanding Division. The test for this chapter is on Friday, Nov 20th. The results of Chapter 7 will come home tomorrow, hopefully stapled in their planners if they remember to bring them to school. 🙂  Keep practicing math facts. It is becoming very obvious on tests that it math fact knowledge that is holding students back. They are doing all the correct steps in a problem, but missing the basic fact.


We have finished our first process piece for personal narratives and have now begun our second cycle. We continue to take small moments and turn them into well developed stories with details to create a picture for your reader. Your child took a writing prompt and wrote for two 40min periods to a given topic. The scores of these pieces of writing will come home tomorrow, also stapled in their planners.


This week we will finish Unit 3 Week 1 on Wednesday with our weekly test and spelling test. Our class continues to improve our weekly class average on this test. Ask your child what our new goal is!!  On Thursday we will begin Week 2 with the following skills:  visualization, vocabulary context clues, point of view, realistic fiction, verb tenses (past, present, future), and the spelling skill of silent letters. Our essential question will be: In what ways can you help your community?  Today students should have brought home their Unit 3 meaningful sentence vocabulary test. Tomorrow coming home: Unit 3 test results.

 Unit Studies

Due to a computer conflict, we took the Prairie DCA today. I will get results home with students by the end of the week. They get their results immediately so they too should be able to tell you how they did.  Today our homeroom began their rotation with Miss Vercellino in Social Studies.


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