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November 22: More atomic structure and an awesome video from the ISS

Today we went a little further into the atomic structure and talked about energy levels, ions, and some valences.  Tonight the kids are supposed to memorize the first 18 elements of the periodic table.  We also watched this cool video from the International Space Station: Amazing Time Lapse from the ISS

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November 21: Red Ribbon Week and Atomic Structure

Today we started off with the atomic structure.  There was a small history lesson along with the structure of the atom and we will be getting into much more complicated chemistry.  Class behaviors are a little better after our talk on Friday, but I don’t want anyone to lose sight of the goal since today went good.  Let’s keep an eye on how many class distractions there are.

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November 18: DERP Quiz!

Today we did a little review over the last two sections of the text and our guided readings, as well as a rehash of the interactive model I did online with the kids.  After that, we engaged in what’s now known as a DERP Quiz.  It’s essentially a quiz with goofy pictures behind the questions.  I did that to lessen the stress of quiz taking.  We handed in our cartoon project today and those remaining out should be handed in on Monday.  Next week we will be getting into the periodic table!

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November 17: Thermal energy, movement of particles and more project time!

Today we worked on a chart of thermal activity and how particle movement occurs between states of matter.  After a thorough explanation of that, we worked on our projects that were assigned yesterday.  Some projects have been built online using “Rage Comics” which are very funny and some have been turned into poster boards and booklets as well.  Lots of creativity.  Remember, this assignment is a way for the student to choose how they can show me they have mastery of the material.

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November 16: New project day!

Today we went over the writing exercise about Boyle’s Law, Charle’s Law and the Meissner Effect and how they relate to the changes in state of matter.  So, after an interactive and some questions and answers, I gave the kids a project.  They are to take twelve terms form the text and create a cartoon.  The twelve terms are to be used however they can, in context, and tell me a story demonstrating their working knowledge of them.  They are to be as creative as they can be, although I’m not opposed to stick figures!  This can be as fun or silly or serious as they want it to be.  I gave them a sheet with numerous panels on it to start, but they can create their own on bigger sheets or poster board if they choose.  It’s up to them.  Be colorful, be creative and show me how these concepts work together.

Here are the terms to use: Solid, Liquid, Gas, Viscosity, Amorphous solid, Crystalline solid, Fluid, Surface Tension, Vaporization, Evaporation, Boiling and Condensation.

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November 15: New writing exercise

Today we talked more about solids, liquids and gases and did a few little demos to introduce certain concepts like potential and kinetic energy as well as surface tension.  I had both periods do a guided reading and introduced a writing exercise for homework.  They have to compare and contrast Charle’s Law, Boyle’s Law and the Meissner Effect.  Three paragraphs, 4-5 sentences each with definitions and examples of each concept.  The Meissner Effect is not in their books so they will have to do just a little bit of research on it and tell me what they learned.  This is higher order science here, so they might struggle a little with it.  Challenges are good!

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November 14: Review, science controversy and pushing forward.

Today we reviewed somethings from last week and then I introduced a science controversy on the board.  We talked about this cartoon in class, which led to a wonderful conversation about the link between vaccinations and autism.  These conversations about scientific controversy are excellent for making connections between what science is and what scientists do and how the general public reacts to research.  Excellent day!  Second period has homework in the form of a guided reading over section 2.1 in the text.

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Diet Coke and Mentos Fountain!!

Today we set off our soda fountain in the back yard of the school.  After gathering the two classes and running through a lot of procedures, it went off with hardly any problems.  Except of course, for the one pop bottle that exploded in the building and ruined three ceiling tiles.  Not to worry, though!  Science demands a little sacrifice once in a while!  We made a huge mess but had a lot of fun and learned some things along the way.  No homework over the weekend.

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November 10: More changes in matter lab and prep for tomorrow!

Today I sent home a note asking for a little help with the Diet Coke situation for tomorrow’s exercise.  I have asked the kids to make sure to keep their Diet Coke at room temperature, don’t open the bottle or shake it if at all possible.  We don’t want to alter the integrity of the experiment.  I’ve gotten all the Mentos we need and I’ve amassed 15 bottles of soda already.  Tomorrow we will gather in my classroom in the morning and follow a set of directions for the exercise.  I’ve gotten a camera ready as well as a tripod and anyone who want to come enjoy the (quick) show is more than welcome.  I speculate that we will be outside ready to commence the activity around 8:20-30.  We will clean up afterward and be done by the end of 1st period.

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November 9th: Burning Candle Lab

Today we did a lab on the changes a burning candle experiences and what the reactions are surrounding it.  Tomorrow we will get more into this subject and start our investigation into the Diet Coke and Mentos phenomenon.  I am asking all my students to bring a 2 liter of Diet Coke (or “diet cola”) on Friday for a mass experiment with both first and second period.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!  I know the diet colas at Hy-Vee are around 80 cents per 2 liter, and Diet Coke is just over a dollar.  I hate to put any financial burden on my students so I will be supplying the Mentos and extra bottles of Diet Coke for the experiment.  I would like to get this done while the weather is cooperating and  filmed  as well so we can put it on Youtube and watch it later.  It should be a lot of fun and I’m using this as a way to kick off our investigation into solids, liquids and gasses next week.  More chemistry fun on the way!

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