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martes, el 4 de noviembre

Spanish 4

1.  Practicamos con las castañuelas para hacer el sonido para el flamenco.

2.  Corregimos la tarea.  La clave está en la carpeta.  ES PARA UNA NOTA.

3.  Fuimos a la clase de computadoras para repasar para el examen.  La Sra. tiene tu hoja de repaso para usar en casa.


1.  1/2 hoja de trabajo – “Test 3″ y “Test 5”

2.  Examen 6.1 el viernes, el 7

3.  Missing work from this quarter? Due TOMORROW, Wed., Nov. 5th!

Spanish 2

1.  We discussed the readings from last night.

2.  With the Ushuaia partner, the students read The Vocabulario en Contexto on pp. 90 and 91 including the captions on each picture.  There is a lot of new vocabulary so be sure that you read these pages again (We listened to them in class yesterday.).

3.  We watched a DVD (about 3 minutes) that reinforced the new vocabulary with subtitles.  We then watched a video from a soccer match in which a goal was scored.

4.  We completed A Responder on p.91.  You can complete this with the on-line text at home as another reinforcement of the new vocabulary.


1.  Did you get it? WS – Vocabulario (All sections!)

Posted in Actividades/tarea.