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martes, el 26 de agosto

Día de PLC…clases un poco más cortas

Spanish 4

1.  Sra. le habló a la clase de un programa nuevo en UNL para estudiantes de lenguas.  Ella tien la aplicación si quieres asisitir.  Aquí tienes un resumen (¡en inglés!) para el día:

At our beginning-of-the-year district meeting, Shannon Parry and several UNL professors visited the World Language teachers to let us know about some opportunities at UNL.  One of those opportunities is a day set aside for juniors/seniors to visit UNL (German/French:  October 6; Spanish:  October 20).  Students will attend a current language/literature course, interact with majors at a lunch provided by DMLL, visit the new lab, visit with an undergrad student currently abroad, meet faculty and grad students, etc. 
This is a competitive process, and applications are currently being accepted until September 8
2.  Una actividad de vocabulario.
3.  Corregimos la tarea.  La clave está en la carpeta.  ES PARA UNA NOTA.
4.  Repasamos los mandatos infomales (tú)en la página 97 (de español 3).  Empezamos p. 274, #2 en clase.
1.  Termina actividad #2, p. 274
2.  Escribe 2 mandatos originales (un positivo y un negativo) y trata de usar el vocabulario nuevo.
Spanish 2
1.  We completed a writing activity using the verb GUSTAR.
2.  We reviewed the quiz from last Friday.  Sra. has your copy.
3.  We checked the left hand side of last night’s HW, ¿Qué te gusta?  Be sure to use the answer key in the folder  and then put it in the yellow class folder.  THIS IS FOR A COMPLETION GRADE.
4.  We completed an activity using the descriptions on pages 14 and 15 in the text, ¿Adónde vas? Without using the books, students listened and drew the representation of what they heard.  You should do the same at home or at least read through these 2 pages.
5.  We reviewed the conjugation of the verb IR on p. 16.
1.  Quiz on Friday (pp. 10-21)
2.  Complete the RIGHT side of last night’s HW.  The top of this side reads, ¿Adónde van?
3.  P. 12, #10 and p. 16 #13

Posted in Actividades/tarea.