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Friday, February 28

Today’s Learning: What is a calamity?

Warm Up: Write down either the word “positive” or “negative” to describe/summarize the legacy of the Mongols on p. 42. Then write 2-3 sentences explaining why you chose that word.

Class Work: What is a calamity? Please define “calamity” on p. 43 of your  notebook. Then provide a minimum of three examples of calamities on the same page. Discuss student definitions and examples.

Read together Reader’s Theater: The Calamity of 2018. Discuss: For which characters was the hailstorm a calamity? How so? Was the hailstorm a calamity for everyone? How was it a benefit to some characters?

Complete The Population of Afroeurasia: 1000 – 1500 CE graphing activity.

Describe the stories you hear on today’s CNN 10 on p. 39 of your notebook.

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