Welcome to my website

My Contact Information

Tracy Way

436-1306 Ext. 66226


Class Information

Here at SW, I teach a variety of classes including:  Lifespan Development, Independent Living,  Creative ClothingRelationships, Infants and Toddlers, and Families and Crisis. To find out information about the course outlines, please click on the course titles.

Class Assignments

To reach a list of current assignments for each class click on the appropriate class: Lifespan Development, Independent Living,  Creative Clothing,  Relationships, Infants and Toddlers,  and Families and Crisis. 

Classroom Expectations
My Classroom Expectations link explains the general guidelines for each class. I do give the students time to give input into how they would like to have the class run. Please ask your student to see their copy of my expectations and have them return it with your signature for 10 points.


Grades are found on Synergy.