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es el 8 de mayo

LSW is participating in a survey on bullying. All of the high schools in LPS are part of this survey experience as well.  The Bully Survey is conducted at LSW to improve it for you and your classmates. This survey is anonymous.

If you are ready to begin, locate the following URL with your web browser:

This URL will direct you to a web page that contains directions for taking the Survey. After you have
read the directions, you must enter your school code to continue. Your school code is listed below.

School Code: 45255M

After entering this code, you’ll need to respond to each item. For each survey item, bullying is defined

Bullying happens when someone hurts or scares another person on purpose and the
person being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself. Usually, bullying
happens over and over.

Use the definition as you respond to the survey.

Thank you for your help and support in completing this survey.

Rob Slauson, Principal

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