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Expectations for Spanish classes

I expect ALL LSW students to S.O.A.R!!!

  • to be SAFE (physically & emotionally)
  • to have OPPORTUNITIES (in life & as a learner)
  • to have good ATTENDANCE
  • and to display RESPECT & RESPONSIBILITY


Rationale for succeeding in high school: I believe that the time during the high school years is when each young person learns about the responsibilities and goals of life which continues after high school.

Based on my rationale, I have some guidelines which will allow you to succeed, not only in Spanish class, but also in life. Life happens! You may not always agree, but the guidelines are designed to guide you and help you be successful. Compare these guidelines to a job and you will see the similarities.

1. Enter class each day on time and ready to learn. Being in class and participating is very important to learning a language. Please adjust your schedule so that you arrive on time. The LSW tardy policy will help you adjust your schedule if need be. ALWAYS sign in and out on the clipboard in the window. This is your documentation if there is a question as to whether you were tardy or truant.

1st tardy – warning and conference with teacher,

2nd tardy  teacher contact with parents/guardian,

3rd tardy assigned to lunch detention for the NEXT school day

4th tardy assigned to lunch detention for the NEXT school day

5th tardy administrative referral to attendance office

Sign in on the clipboard for your documentation if you come to class after the bell has rung (for any reason – excused or not excused).

Start class with a clean positive slate! Please be courteous! Negative comments about your classmates, class, or me will not be tolerated and will result in a parent phone call and/or a referral.

2. Immediately as you enter the room, put away all distracting objects (No drinks except water, no food or candy allowed). According to the handbook:   PHONES should be kept out of sight and not used unless I give permission.   The first time this guideline is violated I will ask you to put your phone away.  The second time your phone is out it will be kept in a cabinet with a door under the projector near my desk for the entire block and parents/guardians will be notified.    The third time the phone is out a referral will be submitted to an administrator and the phone will be given to security for the rest of the day.   Please let me know at the beginning of class if there is a reason you need a phone handy… for example a sick family member, etc.    Nearly every day we start class with a warm up sponge (an activity to squeeze out the information from the day before for a review). This will be on the dry erase board or projector. Work on this right away! Some days this will be worth points, other days it won’t.

3. Each day, you will have homework, with the exception of MOST Fridays. I believe you need this time during the weekend for yourself and your family – you’ve worked hard all week – so enjoy your family time at home.  Check my website on the LSW Teachers page to remain updated on class activities  during your absence.  This is where I will direct you to go if you are absent and ask if you have looked at the website.

4. Homework — This is where that responsibility factor comes in! You knew the day before that I would ask for homework and you should have it done. This is only fair for those students who finished the assignment on time.  It is suggested that you purchase a binder (with 3 rings) in order to organize your notes, worksheets, and vocabulary lists.   Your materials need to be easily accessible when you arrive to class.  ALL work for each Unidad must be completed by the UNIDAD TEST   (Normally this is about a week and a half)  Earning credit/points for assignments must be completed by the UNIDAD TEST.

There are no retakes on Assessments unless the student and teacher have spent time reviewing the material together.

5.  If you are truant from class the highest grade you can receive on any make up work is a 60% according to LPS policy.  (  Truancy 5000  page 40  )

6. Grades. You should check your grade frequently and know where you stand. You can find your grades on the LSW webpage grades.  Show your parents how to look up your grade online.  If you see a problem with your grade, come and talk with me so that we can work together to solve it. I don’t know what you’re thinking unless you talk with me.  Any work completed by copying another source or student, past or present, will be given a grade of zero.

A 90-100

B+ 85-89

B 80-84

C+ 75-79

C 70-74

D+ 65-69

D 60-64

F 59 and below

7. I (Ms. Cornish) am available before school and after school until 3:30ish unless an appointment has been scheduled. During those same times, I’m available by phone. The school phone number is 402-436-1306 ext 66158. You may also leave me a message and I will return your call. Another option may be e-mail. My e-mail address is:

8. I (student’s name) will follow the Southwest High School Handbook.

9. I (student’s name) understand that any problems with any of the above guidelines may result in a school appointment with Sra. Cornish to write a plan to resolve the problem and/or a parent contact and/or a referral to the office.


Student signature:

Parent/Guardian signature:

Phone number(s) or e-mail to reach parent/guardian during the school day:

Any other notes or concerns:


Thank you, Sra. Cornish