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el 23 de agosto

1.  View and read the expectations from this website.  Print the expectations or copy this statement “I HAVE READ THE GUIDELINES AND UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING. I AGREE TO TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR LEARNING.”  AND sign by the student and parent to turn in by Friday.

2.  Each week there will be 5 pts for speaking SPANISH during class activities with partners.  I will state that the activity must be completely done in Spanish.  You could lose a point each time I hear English  during the class activity.   Follow the directions and these points will be easily earned.

3.  We took and graded the final from level 1.  These grades will be in the gradebook, but not count for your Spanish 2 grade.  This will tell you and me what areas you need to work on or if you are right on target.  I will keep these copies.  If you ever need to look at them, please come and see me before or after school.

4.  NEW flashcards…for go-go verbs:  salir, venir, poner, traer, decir, tener, hacer.    USE pg R39, R40, R41 in the back of the book for help.

5.  HOMEWORK:   Write 10 sentences (oraciones) using the infinitives above.  Use each infinitive at least once.   As you write, consider the depth of your sentence.  A “C” grade might be “yo hago una torta.”  An “A” grade might be “Bob sale con su novia todos los sábados.”  Also, practice with the flashcards we made today in class.

Posted in Tarea.