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Author’s Spotlight-Mary

Click here to watch Mary’s her story about cats.  You can leave some feedback for her about her story.

Mary is in ELL level 2!!

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18 Responses

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  1. aye aye thin says

    no kimmy i don’t have a cat in lincoln. thank you i am better now.

  2. kimmy says

    Do you fill better?Miss.P said you were sick. Do you have cats in Lincoln now?

  3. mary says

    i fell so sad when my mom let my cat go but I’m not your sister

  4. boomer says

    How did you feel when our mom let go of our cat.

  5. fernandeto says

    mary do you rily went cats.

  6. Aye Aye Thin says

    thank you for the nice stuff you said to me 2nd grade class BYE!!!

  7. 2nd grade class says

    We thought the exciting part of the story was when you tried to catch the cats. We liked the drawings of the cats and your other illustrations.

  8. aye aye thin says

    miss. p did you mean because you did two to?

  9. july moe says

    oh sister you have the best story i like the part when you said that dad brig you a cat >

  10. Ms. Birdsall says

    Oh my! You did a great job of telling the beginning, middle and end of your story. Thanks for sharing.
    Miss Birdsall

  11. aye aye thin says

    my sister is scary of the cat sometime she get to eat there fur.

  12. aye aye thin says

    yes i what to have a pet in American but my dad said no i can not have cat in American.

  13. Mrs. Tracy says

    I miss you too! Hopefully I can come by again soon. I love that you are putting your stories on here! Now I can see and talk to you even if I am not teaching at Holmes anymore. You are speaking and reading so well! I can tell you have really been practicing your English!
    Talk to you soon!
    Mrs. Tracy

  14. Mrs. Bartels says

    Hi Mary,
    This is a very interesting story.
    I am sorry that the cats ran away ☹ I am glad however, that you were okay once you decided it was okay not to have cats at that time.
    Nice job with the sequence of events in your story. I followed the whole story from beginning to end.
    I also liked the way you read your story. You have very good pronunciation and I can tell you practiced reading your story because you were very fluent.
    I am guessing that this story takes place in Thailand?
    Thanks for sharing! Nice work!

  15. aye aye thin says

    hi Mrs. Tracy i never see you for long time anyway yes it is at Thailand will what to see you i miss you so much bey bey Mrs. Tracy.

  16. Emily says

    I like your drawing when your dad bought you a cats. Do you really want to have cats in American?

  17. Mrs. Tracy says

    What a great story! You did a great job of writing a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Did this story take place in Thailand? I can’t wait to hear more stories from you!

  18. Cindy Peterson says

    I like the part of the story where you to to the woods to get food. I’m glad your dad went with you. Why did your mother give the cats away?

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