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Author’s Sportlight-Fred

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Fred is in ELL level 2!!!

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8 Responses

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  1. mary says

    i like the part when you are looking for your glasses in the car.

  2. Ms. Birdsall says

    Just like you and Mrs. Bartels, I have lost my glasses before too! Great job adding the details of all the places you searched for yours!
    Miss Birdsall

  3. Mrs. Tracy says

    Fred! This story is awesome! I can tell how hard you have been working on your writing! I like your beginning, middle, and end. I’m glad that you got new glasses. I hope your mom wasn’t too mad that you lost them! Everyone loses things sometimes. It was nice how hard you looked for them. I’m excited to hear your next story!

  4. Emerson says

    My new glasses look better then my old glasses.

  5. Mrs. Bartels says

    Oh Fred…I know how you feel!
    I too have lost my glasses before…many times.
    The last time I lost my glasses, I looked everywhere, kind of like you did, and guess where I found them? In my glass case! Of all places!
    Nice work telling about all the places you looked for your glasses; these details make your story fun to listen to.
    I hope you do like your new glasses ☺

  6. Fernandito says

    CAN you see beter with your now glasses?

  7. Charlie says

    I Like your picture and your glasses. They are very cool.

  8. Mrs. lamberson says

    Do you like your new glasses better than your old glasses?

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