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Author’s Spotlight-Fernandito

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Fernandito is in ELL level 2!!

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16 Responses

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  1. Emersom says

    i miss you may

  2. fernandeto says

    boomer I did not fall asleep in the car

  3. boomer says

    Fernandito did you fall asleep in the car.

  4. fernandeto says

    Mery I liked the part when he feel asleep in the car.

  5. fernandeto says

    charlie thank you for the coment.

  6. Charlie says

    I like your details and your statues.

  7. aye aye thin says

    i like the part when your brother fall a sleep in the car.

  8. Ms. Birdsall says

    You have a wonderful story! I especially loved how you included a simile: “sun was shining bright as the stars”. Very good writing!
    Miss Birdsall

  9. fernandito says

    thank you dad for the mesig.

  10. Hannah says

    It was a very good story ! was the rain and the lightening very big?

  11. victor romero says

    Hi brayan just i want to tell u good job keep goin like that u making good job i love u. Atte. U dad.

  12. Mrs. Bartels says

    Hi Fernandito,
    What a fun family day story! I really like the detail about what you did in the car while your brother and sister feel asleep. Your description helped me see a picture in my head.
    I also liked that you said that there were statues in the park. I would have never guest that there were statues in the park. Nice job adding details to make your story interesting. Keep up the good work Fernandito!

  13. Fernandito says

    I went on july20 2010.

  14. Fred says

    I like your pictures because its like going.

  15. emerson says

    when did you go fernandito?

  16. Mrs. Tracy says

    Wow! What a great story! You did a really nice job of writing a story with a beginning, middle, and an end. Keep up the good work!

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