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Author’s Spotlight-Emily

Click here to watch Emily’s story and find out who is in the picture with her.  Don’t forget to leave her some feedback about her story.

Emily is in ELL level 3!!!

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11 Responses

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  1. Cindy Peterson says

    This is Miss P. Emily is now in the 5th grade class all the time so I”m not sure she is watching the blog. The teacher in this picture with Emily is Mrs. Bartels.

  2. jingjing says

    Is that picture Mrs.Tracy ?

  3. Charlie says

    I like your drawing.

  4. Emily says

    No. I don’t like rolling down but I like jumping down

  5. Emily says

    Paw Yea Moo is 8 or 9 years old.

  6. Kimmy says

    How old is Paw Ya Mu? I like your pictures and slid .

  7. Ms. Birdsall says

    What an enthusiastic story! I loved your word choice. It sounds like you all had a wonderful time even with your minor injuries!
    Miss Birdsall

  8. Pat says

    I liked the part about the slide.

  9. Mrs. Bartels says

    I can’t believe your English! You are writing like a pro! Here is what I saw/heard in your story…
    I heard dialogue; good writers add dialogues to their stories to make it more fun and interesting to readers.
    Great word choices! You used the work “rough” to describe the slide textures and “collided” instead of bumped…nice work!
    The organization was great, I could follow your story from beginning to end. The transition words really help.
    Your pictures are very artistic and a great complement to your writing.
    Finally, I was glad that Paw Yeah Moo was Ok in the story ☺
    Thanks for sharing this Emily. You are a hard working student and it shows!

  10. mary says

    I like the part when fell on Eh Tee Day and laughed . Do you like to roll down the slide?

  11. Mrs. Tracy says

    What a wonderful story! I really liked all of the describing words like “collided, huge, and rough.” Super word choice! I can’t wait to read more from you!

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