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A piece of chalk

michaellee uwashington

Allow me to share briefly how the Instructional Technology Coaches are working with LPS Schools.  A Top 3 was my goal; however, it was tough narrowing it down.  And tomorrow the list might be different:

How can I assist you, the teacher,  and your students?

Your task: Take about three minutes and send a comment with this blog.  Work with one co-worker, and come up with one together.

Closing Thought


Posted in Lesson Plans.

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3 Responses

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  1. Lisa Sauer says

    Yes, I am planning to spend time with you this Friday. Missed you last week!

  2. Anita says

    Looking forward to meeting with you Friday! Hope you have some great things to share with me. Just want to see if I know what I am doing by sending this! Anita

  3. Lisa Sauer says

    Fellow Teachers,

    Think about how you might use a blog in your classroom. All you need is your projector and laptop! Your students will find ways to blog you at home, at the library, at the media center. Please leave me a comment… let me know when I can stop by your room and meet you!

    Generally, I’m at Calvert Friday mornings and Tuesday afternoons. If nothing else, write a comment and let me know when you would be available for a brief visit regarding how we might transform learning…one step at a time.

    Remember, what you BLOG is public (I do get to moderate!) so choose your words carefully!

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