The American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge

The 2024 Kids Heart Challenge has come to an end and our final total raised was $3,920.38! The Fredstrom students really came through again!

A special shout out to Lucas Pitstick our top fund raiser of the 2024 KHC! He raised $552.90! Kendall Fischer-Everett raised $543.70 Great job Zac and Kendall! We are proud of you and all our falcons that are heart hero’s!

About Kenneth Cope

I was born in Kansas but moved to North Platte, Nebraska, in 1970. I moved to Lincoln and went to Pound Middle School and then graduated from Southeast High School. I am married and have two kids my son is a senior at The University of Nebraska Lincoln and is studying Business and accounting. My daughter is a sophomore at Concordia University studying elementary education and plays volleyball. I have always loved playing and being physically active. I played baseball in high school and many other intramural sports. I have always enjoyed kids and thought the best thing for me to do is teach kids how to play and keep themselves healthy. I have been teaching physical education for 27 years here at Fredstrom.
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