4th and 5th graders are in the process of creating clay gargoyles using the pinch pot technique and adding details. We have had two classes of clay and we have two more to introduce to this messy, slippery yet fun substance!

Some clay tips:

  • Your hands will get DRY. Drink plenty of water and use lotion, if available.
  • The less you mess with your piece, the better! Clay wants to do what it wants, and if you can get it to a shape you enjoy, leave it. The more you touch, the more it frustrates.
  • No clay down the drain. Use buckets of water to clean your hands.
  • Enjoy yourself! This is a fun process and can open up new inspiration for other forms of 3D art!

Excited to see how these gargoyles turn out! Thanks again, everyone, and here’s to clay!