We are LIVE from the Art Room once again! Winter break is now behind us and we have THRIVED through our first week of school back! Here are just a few of the exciting things we can look forward to this coming month:

First, students will be working to create a banner for Saratoga elementary. The banners are created by students of different elementary schools and are on display through out the city for two years at local businesses and other public venues. Be on the lookout for this collaborative piece after Feburary!

Kindergarten and 1st grade students will be going through one of my FAVORITE units this January. I call it “Beautiful Oops” after the book by the same name, written by Barney Saltzberg. This unit is a great tool for helping children understand that they can make masterpieces out of some pretty big messes. I love the cross curriculum and real life applications that can be taken from these lessons. Being able to get back on our feet after we make mistakes is a great life skill and one I hope to see demonstrated visually in the art room. Plus, the book is a great read! Check it out from your local library today and get some “Oops” excitement started at home!

Finally, parent teacher conferences are coming up Tuesday, January 26th and Thursday, January 28thPlease stop by the Art Room to see your student’s ever improving work! If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s performance in Art Class, please email me at hkutschk@lps.org.

Thanks for reading and have a great January!

A page from Barney Saltzberg's book "Beautiful Oops," which will be used by K & 1 this Quarter.

A page from Barney Saltzberg’s book “Beautiful Oops,” which will be used by K & 1 this Quarter.