Bloom’s Taxonomy

What is Bloom’s Taxonomy?

  • Benjamin Bloom:  American education psychologist
  • Taxonomy: a hierarchy (dividing or classifying items into groups, where they are organized as being “above,” “below,” or “at the same level as” one another)
  • Definition of Bloom’s Taxonomy:  a hierarchy (or classification) of learning objectives that show increasing understanding and mastery of a topic

Why should you use it?  Bloom’s Taxonomy helps you create all kinds of questions about a topic — from really easy questions about facts to really difficult questions that make you use what you know in a new way.


Chart of Bloom’s Taxonomy:  copy Definitions (in the left column), Keywords (in the darkly shaded box), and Question starters (in the lighter part)


Videos     Important!!!  Read the directions for this part of the assignment.  If you are copying the definitions, you are doing it wrong.


Picture Representations of Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Check out these examples, and then CREATE YOUR OWN unique picture that shows Bloom’s Taxonomy.  You may need to add some explanations.  DO NOT COPY.