i will stand

By: Anonymous

i will stand here now and forever

no one shall break me

everyone shall acknowledge me

everyone shall fear me

i will be a wall that never shall crumble

a wall that will stand against every foe

i will stop all harm that comes to you

and turn to dust all woe

no one will get passed me

i will reap all those full of wicked

i will stop all those who want to harm me

i will stand

for if i shall go down evil and corrupt will take over

they will ruin everyone

and the weight will be to much

itll way a ton

more than anything you can stand

so i will stay here and stand

i will lend a hand

so please leave and run

the evil is upon us

they will destroy you

they will turn you to dust

so let go of my hand

let me stay here

i will take up the rear

so let go of my hand

let me stand.