First Period Drama Class

On this page you will find the syllabus and assignments for First Period Drama. 

  • Syllabus: (10pts Formative) Go to Google Classroom, read and “turn in” your syllabus. To read the syllabus, you can also click the following link: Drama Syllabus. The Google Classroom code is d1im3b
  • Audience Participation: (20pts Summative) You are graded throughout the year on how you are as an audience member. Audience Grade
  • Greek Chorus: (10pts Summative) Create a short play (1 minute) with a group explaining something you like to do with the use of a background Chorus helping the audience understand. Greek Theater overview slides
  • Mime Skit: (10pts Summative) Create a short mime skit based on a story you know or a silly story you’d like to tell. This will be done in groups I will assign. Example: ET the Mime.
  • PBiS Videos: (10pts Summative each) Once per month we make videos for our school-wide PBiS lessons. This includes camera-work, acting and even editing. Simply be ready, have ideas, be involved and act out your part.
  • Character Skits: (20pts Summative) Create a character based on someone you know, someone famous, someone you made up or another character in cinema, theater or books. Take that character and, with a group, turn it into a skit. Have fun with this.
  • Shakespeare Webquest: (20 Points Formative) Go online and complete the Shakespeare Webquest Worksheet. This will take at least one class period and can be done in class.
  • Macbeth “Woosh” Play: (20 Points Formative) Tryout for roles in an adapted version of the Shakespearean play. Be involved. Play your role well. See what a Shakespearean play looks like. Have fun.