Early Contact: Why Jamestown Failed

We will know why Jamestown failed and why it succeeded.

Monday, August 29th, 2016

Warm up: Attach your warm up page to page 6 in your notebook.

Current Events: NFL player sits for the national anthem.

Classwork: Watch National Geographic’s “Nightmare in Jamestown” to find out why the settlers struggled so much early on and, eventually, why it succeeded.

Early Contact: Colonies Review

We will review basic information about the North American colonies.

Friday, August 25th, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-08-25 at 3.58.38 PMWarm Up: Attach your Colonies worksheet to page 4 in your notebook.

Classwork: Follow along with British colonies slides and complete worksheet.

Video: Watch portion of “America: The Story of Us – Rebels” to see the founding of Plymouth.

Exit Ticket: Which portion of the country was more likely to have a longer growing season?

Early Contact: Pocahontas – John Smith Day III

We will answer the question: “Did Pocahontas REALLY save John Smith?”

Warm Up: What was the difference in tone between True Relation and General History?

Classwork: Read what historians say about the incident. Have they given us more options?

Assessment: What do you think really happened? Write a two paragraph statement indicating whether or not you believe Pocahontas saved John Smith’s life. Make sure  you provide evidence to support your claim. Use information from the documents you have read in class, particularly the primary source documents, to persuade your readers to believe your argument.

Exit Ticket: What are some of the differences between what you believe happened and the movie that you have noticed this week?


Early Contact: Did Pocahontas Save John Smith? I

We will explore the question: “Did Pocahontas REALLY save John Smith?”

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

imageWarm Up: What did we learn yesterday about Jamestown?

Classwork: Analyze (Doc A) writing from John Smith’s True Relation about his experience in captivity with the Powhatan tribe. Break down account on guided reading.

Exit Ticket: What is missing from True Relation? Answer: He doesn’t mention Pocahontas.

Early Contact: Powhatan

We will be able to identify aspects of life of the 16th century Powhatan Indians.

Friday, August 19th, 2016

Warm Up: What is a primary source?

Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 12.59.26 PMClasswork: Discuss primary and secondary sources. Introduce Powhatan Indians. Complete Powhatan Worksheet for a grade. Why would the second picture change five years later?

Exit Ticket: By looking at the pictures, what can we tell about life for the 16th Century Powhatan?

Early Contact: Columbian Exchange

We will understand the Columbian Exchange.

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

2645686_origWarm Up: What do we already know about Christopher Columbus?

Classwork: Follow along with Columbian Exchange slides. Using your “Call to Freedom” textbook, analyze Columbus’ voyages. Create a mind map on page 2 of your notebook explaining your understanding of the Columbian Exchange.

Exit Ticket: What four things were moved in the Columbian Exchange?