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Happy Summer!

I hope you and your family are having a wonderful summer full of family, friends, fun, relaxation, and learning.  That, for me, is the definition of a perfect summer!  My summer will include all of those things.

My husband, Brad, and I have three children all grown and living in other states.   We will be visiting each of them throughout the summer.  So far, we have visited two of the three. The first weekend of the summer we spent a long weekend in the Kansas City/Lawrence area with our son, Tyler, and his wife, Alisha.  Since we’ve always been Jayhawk fans, it was fun to see Kansas University.

Our nation's capitol

A trip to D.C. would not be complete without visiting our National Capitol!


Nathan and I at the Martin Luther King Jr. Monument

Brad and I also made our first trip to Washington D.C.  What an amazing city!  Nathan has been working there since March, so he was an excellent tour guide.  We saw so much, but we sure didn’t see it all!  That’s alright.  I’m sure there will be many more trips to D.C. in the future!

Next up, a trip to Ohio to see our daughter and her family.  We’re excited!

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