Carmen Lomas Garza

MATERIALS: A partner, your notebooks (each partner must have a copy of all work done in their notebook) and a CLG Story of your choosing

  1. Pick a story and together brainstorm related thematic vocab in your notebooks.  (challenge: try to get at least 20 vocab words.)
  2. Look at painting… verbally play “veo, veo” with your partner
  3. INDIVIDUALLY: Do a 3 minute timed free write describing what you see.
  4. Read the story multiple times (both alone and out loud)
  5. Summarize the story in a Spanish sentence.
  6. Pick out and write down: cognates and 5 key words with their meanings.
  7. Write down at least 3 related words for each of your key words and illustrate them in your notebook.
  8. Write a contextual sentence for each of the 5.
  9. Reread the story one more time!
  10. Finally take 5 minutes to do a reflection/personalization in Spanish… apply the theme, painting imagery, story to your own life…Compare, contrast, tell a personal story, etc…

So you think your done list….

  • Check all activities in packet for completion
  • Make flash cards of the 15 vocab key words = 2 dinero
  • Make a crossword puzzle with all 15 = 5 dinero
  • Practice Dale, dale, dale then sing me the song with no notes = 5 dinero
  • Work on next cultural project. Rough draft day 4/7 Present 4/11-13

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